The coronavirus pandemic has spurred players from every corner of the criminal and juvenile justice fields to take dramatic, efficient action to protect the people they serve. While the pace and scale of this crisis is often overwhelming, there is a wealth of resources to support agencies and people on the front lines of this fight.
To help make sense of the vast array of guidance that is emerging related to COVID-19 and the criminal justice system, below are select resources on practices that state and local governments can and are implementing to best protect people in the system from the virus.
What are states doing? Maps and More
Coronavirus Tracker: How Justice Systems Are Responding in Each State, The Marshall Project
This interactive map provides information on how states are amending their prison visitation practices and day-to-day court operations.
COVID-19 Law Enforcement Impact Dashboard, National Police Foundation
This site offers an interactive tool that provides information on the number of law enforcement personnel exposed to, unable to work because of, and diagnosed with COVID-19 that agencies can update in real time. It also provides additional resources to assist law enforcement personnel in responding to the pandemic.
COVID-19 Resources for State Leaders, The Council of State Governments
Many states are facing amended legislative sessions, slews of executive orders, changed court operating procedures, and other measures intended to curb the number of COVID-19 cases. This site provides updates on changes in how state governments are functioning.
Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Prison Policy Initiative
This consistently updated webpage provides information on how jurisdictions across the country are working to release certain people from prison and jail, reduce jail and prison admissions, limit in-person contact for people on community supervision, ease phone and video call costs, and more.
Additional Resources by Topic
Professional associations throughout the criminal and juvenile justice fields and federal government authorities are providing agency leaders and practitioners with best practices to adopt, including formal guidance, template letters to communicate with incarcerated people’s family members, and more. Find select resources by topic below.
BOP COVID-19 Update, Bureau of Prisons
Coronavirus Guidance for the Criminal and Immigration Legal Systems, Vera Institute for Justice
Coronavirus Information, National Institute of Corrections
How Should Prisons and Jails Prepare for COVID-19?, Urban Institute
COVID-19 Prosecutor and Court Resources, National District Attorneys Association
Law Enforcement
COVID-19: Steps to an Effective Response, Major County Sheriffs of America and National Commission on Correctional Health Care (webinar)
Law Enforcement Information on COVID-19, International Association of Chiefs of Police
Police Responses to Covid-19, Brennan Center for Justice
Mental Health
Coronavirus (COVID-19), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Information for Healthcare Professionals, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The Judge’s Role in a Pandemic, The National Judicial College
Easing the Burden of Fees and Fines During Covid-19, Brennan Center for Justice
Essential Workers Are Needed. But Some Are Shut Out., The Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center
Seven Questions About Reentry Amid COVID Confusion, The CSG Justice Center
Substance Use
Coronavirus (COVID-19), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
COVID-19 Resources, American Society of Addiction Medicine
COVID-19 Resources for Treatment Courts, National Association of Drug Court Professionals
Guidance to Opioid Treatment Providers in Response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), American Association for the Treatment of Opioid Disorders, Inc.
Treatment, Recovery, and Workforce Support Grant, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Virtual Recovery Meetings, Unity Recovery
Photo credit: Angelina Bambina/Shutterstock.com