Joseph A. Zayas
Administrative Judge
Supreme Court, Criminal Term, Queens County, New York
Joseph A. Zayas, an elected Justice of the Supreme Court, was appointed the Administrative Judge for Supreme Court, Criminal Term, in Queens County, New York (11th Judicial District) in January 2013. In addition to his administrative responsibilities, Justice Zayas also presides over jury trials and the county’s old case calendar. Previously he served as Judge of the Court of Claims, Acting Supreme Court Justice, and Judge of the Criminal Court of the City of New York, presiding over Drug Treatment Court, Mental Health Court, and Youth Court. Earlier in his career, Justice Zayas served as the principal law clerk for Supreme Court Justice Rolando T. Acosta at the Harlem Community Justice Center, a multijurisdictional, problem-solving court serving the communities of East and Central Harlem. He is a frequent lecturer and presenter on legal and judicial subjects including drug, mental health, and youth courts, and conducts seminars for new judges. Justice Zayas received his Bachelor’s degree magna cum laude from Fordham University’s College at Lincoln Center and his JD from Columbia University School of Law, where he was a Charles Evan Hughes Fellow.