fullstate,abbreviation,x,y,governor,date,link,quote,Behavioral Health,Collateral Consequences,Education/ Employment,Juvenile Justice,Law Enforcement,Pretrial/ Sentencing,Prison Environment/ Staffing,Jail & Prison Population,Racial Bias,Reentry/ Recidivism Reduction,Victims,Violent Crime
Alaska,AK,0,0,Mike Dunleavy (R-AK),"Jan. 27, 2020",https://gov.alaska.gov/newsroom/2020/01/27/2020-state-of-the-state-address/,"It's a fact that over 95 percent of offenders may one day be our neighbors again. We must work together to reduce and prevent future crime. For those offenders who truly want a second chance, it's imperative upon us to provide it.",,,,,,,,,,x,,
Alabama,AL,6,7,Kay Ivey (AL – R),"Feb. 4, 2020",https://governor.alabama.gov/assets/2020/02/SOTS-Speech-2020-.pdf,...Alabama has no choice but to reinvent our corrections system by replacing outdated and unsafe facilities that pose a great risk to public safety—and inhibit development of programs for inmate rehabilitation.,,,x,,,,x,,,,,
Arizona,AZ,5,3,Doug Ducey (R-AZ),"Jan. 13, 2020",https://azgovernor.gov/governor/news/2020/01/governor-ducey-delivers-2020-state-state-address,"Since 2017, more than 3,900 of our fellow Arizonans have completed Second Chance programs, equipping them with the tools and skills to make a better life. More than 2,400 had a job upon release, with hundreds more in programs now. We know these programs work. This year, we are doubling down on this successful model, to give more individuals their opportunity at a better choice and a better life.",,,x,,,,x,,,x,,
California,CA,5,2,Gavin Newsom (D-CA),"Feb. 19, 2020",https://www.gov.ca.gov/2020/02/19/governor-newsom-delivers-state-of-the-state-address-on-homelessness/,"That's why we need better legal tools, ones that allow local governments, health providers, and law enforcement to more effectively help people access the treatment they need.",x,,,,,,,,,,,
Colorado,CO,4,3,Jared Polis (D-CO),"Jan. 9, 2020",https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yllI0YFbqvmU4gecl8itiMyNh8b6ooOg/view,"We believe in a Colorado For All...That's why we passed bipartisan criminal justice reform measures that will expand opportunities while saving taxpayers money, and why I'm urging the legislature to pass a package of vital pretrial reforms to build on that progress.",,,,,,x,,,,,,
Connecticut,CT,3,11,Ned Lamont (D-CT),"Feb. 5, 2020",https://portal.ct.gov/Office-of-the-Governor/News/Speeches/Governor-Lamont-2020-State-of-the-State-Address,Law enforcement will continue to work to rebuild trust in minority communities.,,,,,x,,,,,,,
Delaware,DE,4,9,John Carney (D-DE),"Jan. 23, 2020",https://governor.delaware.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/24/2020/01/Governor-Carney-2020-State-of-the-State-Address-January-23-2020-Prepared-for-delivery-1.pdf,"Last year, I signed an Executive Order to help ex-offenders more successfully reenter their communities. This year, all inmates sentenced to more than a year in custody get individualized plans as soon as they enter prison. The plans focus on drug treatment, education, and job skills. It's in everyone's interest that these individuals leave prison better off than when they entered.",x,,x,,,,,,,x,,x
Georgia,GA,7,8,Brian Kemp (R-GA),"Jan. 16, 2020",https://gov.georgia.gov/press-releases/2020-01-16/governor-brian-p-kemps-2020-state-state-address,... we are partnering with local law enforcement and prosecutors to 'stop and dismantle' gangs throughout Georgia... we are working around the clock to keep our neighborhoods safe.,,,,,,,,,,,,x
Iowa,IA,3,5,Kim Reynolds (R-IA),"Jan. 14, 2020",https://governor.iowa.gov/press-release/gov-reynolds-delivers-condition-of-the-state,"I've made it a priority of this administration to focus on prisoner reentry and rehabilitation, because our prisons shouldn't be one stop in a circle that leads back to prison. Those in our correctional facilities are serving time for a reason, but when they leave, we want them to succeed. Because here's the thing: If they reoffend, they land back in prison, at a cost to taxpayers of $32,000 per year.",,,X,,,,,,,X,,
Idaho,ID,3,2,Brad Little (R-ID),"Jan. 6, 2020",https://gov.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/74/2020/01/2020-sos.pdf,"... I am seeking continued investments in community reentry centers, where inmates returning to our neighborhoods can learn job and life skills. The cost of investing in proven interventions that help inmates turn their lives around before they reoffend is fractional to the cost of incarceration. We have a choice. We can either invest in measures designed to reduce the demand for prison beds and promote safer communities, or we can do nothing and ensure the next check we write is larger than the last.",x,,x,,,,,x,,x,,
Illinois,IL,3,6,J.B. Pritzker (D-IL),"Jan. 29, 2020",https://www2.illinois.gov/Pages/news-item.aspx?ReleaseID=21094,"This spring, working with legislators, we will begin the long path toward a fairer criminal justice system. That starts with phasing out cash bail and following many of the recommendations made by the bipartisan criminal justice reform commission created by my predecessor...",,,,,x,x,,,,,x,
Indiana,IN,3,7,Eric Holcomb (R-IN),"Jan. 14, 2020",https://www.in.gov/gov/2020stateofstate.htm,"By 2022, I want 500 returning citizens annually to have validated job opportunities waiting for them before they walk out of prison, and 3,000 more formerly incarcerated individuals in jobs within five months of their release. That's why I've proposed to redesign the way we provide education credit to inmates so they have more incentive to holistically engage in addiction recovery treatment, mental health management, and vocational development. So they can reenter our communities as engaged neighbors, forever removed from the criminal justice system.",,,x,,,,,,,,,
Kansas,KS,5,5,Laura Kelly (D-KS),"Jan. 15, 2020",https://governor.kansas.gov/governor-kelly-delivers-the-state-of-the-state-address/,"By partnering with businesses to train these inmates in badly needed job skills, we can both help the private sector fill their workforce shortage and set our incarcerated population on a path to success once they leave the corrections system. By expanding and innovating our capacity for substance abuse treatment and mental health treatment, we can bend the curve on our prison population long-term, improve public safety and strengthen Kansas communities.",X,,X,,,,X,,,,,
Kentucky,KY,4,6,Andy Beshear (D-KY),"Jan. 14, 2020",https://governor.ky.gov/attachments/20200114_SOTC-Address.pdf,"Successful criminal justice reform must do several things. It must reduce our incarcerated population. It must decrease recidivism and the revocation of probation and parole. It must address the racial bias and racism in our justice system. It must provide meaningful addiction treatment and recovery services. It must consolidate, and not expand our state prison institutions. Other states have done this—and they've done it while reducing their crime rates.",X,,,,,,,X,X,X,,
Massachusetts,MA,2,10,Charlie Baker (R-MA),"Jan. 21, 2020",https://www.mass.gov/news/governor-baker-delivers-2020-state-of-the-commonwealth-address,We're now implementing the nationally recognized criminal justice reform law we passed in 2018.,,,,,,,,X,,,,
Maryland,MD,4,8,Larry Hogan (R-MD),"Feb. 5, 2020",https://governor.maryland.gov/2020/02/05/2020-state-of-the-state-address/,"If you do not consider any other legislation, and if you accomplish nothing else in the next 61 days, pass the “Violent Firearm Offenders Act of 2020,” which increases penalties for those who use guns to commit violent crimes, toughens penalties for those who possess stolen firearms and guns with obliterated serial numbers, and those who use, possess, or supply illegal guns to violent criminals.",,,,,,,,,,,,X
Maine,ME,0,11,Janet Mills (D-ME) ,"Jan. 21, 2020",https://www.maine.gov/governor/mills/sites/maine.gov.governor.mills/files/inline-files/Updated_ Gov. Mills State of the State Address.pdf,"Now, through the new Prevention and Recovery Cabinet and the Attorney General's Office we are making sure Narcan is more widely available, and we are training recovery coaches and supporting recovery centers statewide to help people turn their lives around. These efforts complement the efforts of law enforcement to stem the flow of dangerous drugs into our state.",X,,,,,,,,,,,
Michigan,MI,2,7,Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI),"Jan. 29, 2020",https://www.michigan.gov/documents/whitmer/STATE_OF_THE_STATE_FULL_SPEECH_679746_7.pdf,"We've made meaningful criminal justice reforms, too. We have a new law that will raise the age for juvenile offenders from 17 to 18. And last year, Lieutenant Governor Gilchrist and Chief Justice McCormack co-chaired a bipartisan task force focused on county jails that will help us make real reforms in our criminal justice system.",,,,X,,,,X,,,,
Missouri,MO,4,5,Michael Parson (R-MO),"Jan. 15, 2020",https://www.columbiamissourian.com/gov-mike-parson-s-state-of-the-state-address/html_b3837e58-37ec-11ea-a79c-f7f18bf4d93d.html,"Another workforce development program I'm very proud of is ASPIRE MO, a 20-week program that helps incarcerated women develop business plans and prepare for successful re-entry into the workforce. Through this program, they have shown dedication to learning new skills, taking responsibility, getting back on their feet, and into the workforce.",X,,X,,,,,,,X,X,X
Mississippi,MS,6,6,Tate Reeves (R-MS),"Jan. 27, 2020",https://yallpolitics.com/2020/01/27/live-governor-tate-reeves-gives-first-state-of-the-state-address/,"All Mississippians must be able to trust that the people in charge of this system are acting with competence to keep them safe. We must be able to trust that the corrections officers operating in these prisons have the tools that they need to do their jobs, and that they are compensated fairly. We must be able to trust that this system shows a baseline level of respect to those who find themselves within it. We must administer justice fairly, respecting the dignity of all within our prison walls.",,,,,,,X,,,,,
North Carolina,NC,5,9,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
North Dakota,ND,2,3,Doug Burgum (R-ND),"Jan. 29, 2020",https://www.governor.nd.gov/sites/www/files/documents/images/Gov. Burgum SOTS 2020 transcript.pdf,"Since the program launched just in 2018 more than 2,500 citizens in North Dakota have been referred to participate in Free Through Recovery and receive services from more than 50 agencies offering care coordination peer support. In the first 18 months of that program, more than 60 percent of the participants met three of the four desired outcomes. The desired outcomes include getting a job and getting a place to live and getting your driver's license.",X,,,,,,,,,,,
Nebraska,NE,4,4,Pete Ricketts (R-NE),"Jan. 15, 2020",https://governor.nebraska.gov/press/gov-ricketts-state-state-address,I am recommending $8 million to attract and retain quality teammates in Corrections.,,,,,,,X,,,,,
New Hampshire,NH,1,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
New Jersey,NJ,3,10,Phil Murphy (D-NJ),"Jan. 14, 2020",https://nj.gov/governor/news/news/562020/approved/20200114a.shtml,"Our people want New Jersey to stand at the forefront of the national fight for justice, so we worked together, to allow the expungement of records of residents whose futures have been held back because of past convictions, to once again give residents on parole or probation their right to vote...",,X,,,,X,,,,,,
New Mexico,NM,6,3,Michelle Lujan Grisham (D-NM),"Jan. 21, 2020",https://www.governor.state.nm.us/2020/01/21/gov-lujan-grisham-issues-second-state-of-the-state-address/,"We have a chance in this session to come together as a state and put together the best practices, to be smart and tough on crime. Everybody—every policymaker, at every level of government—has to be on board.",,,,,,,,,,,,X
New York,NY,2,9,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Oklahoma,OK,6,4,Kevin Stitt (R-OK),"Feb. 3, 2020",https://www.governor.ok.gov/articles/press_releases/governor-stitt-delivers-2020-state-of-the-state-,"The number of Oklahomans in our state prisons declined by 7.6 percent from 2018. As a result, the number of those incarcerated is the lowest level since 2009. This is reducing the strain on our prison facilities and giving us the opportunity to reimagine the future of housing inmates.",,,,,,,,,,X,,
Rhode Island,RI,2,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
South Carolina,SC,6,8,Henry McMaster (R-SC),"Jan. 22, 2020",https://governor.sc.gov/news/2020-01/2020-state-state-address-governor-henry-mcmaster,"We are all aware of the struggles facing the men and women working at our Department of Corrections: contraband, violence, gangs, staffing shortages, health care deficiencies. This must change. I ask that we invest at least $100 million dollars toward making our prisons safer and more secure, both inside and outside the fence, by replacing and repairing existing infrastructure, facilities and control systems.",,,,,,,X,,,,,
South Dakota,SD,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Tennessee,TN,5,7,Bill Lee (R-TN),"Feb. 3, 2020",https://www.tn.gov/governor/sots/2020-state-of-the-state-address.html,"First, we want to expand our recovery courts so that veterans and those struggling with addiction or mental health challenges will have access to specialized supervision. Second, we want to improve our use of community supervision, including at the end of a prison sentence... Third, we want to encourage those leaving prison to secure employment by revising the occupational licensing process and encouraging employers to hire the formerly incarcerated.",X,,X,,,,,,,X,,
Virginia,VA,5,8,Ralph Northam (D-VA),"Jan. 22, 2020",https://www.governor.virginia.gov/newsroom/all-releases/2020/january/headline-850663-en.html,"This is about simple justice and fairness. When you've paid your debt, we should welcome you back, encourage you to participate in civil society, and restore your right to vote. The data show that, and it's just the right thing to do.",,,,,,X,,,,,,
Wisconsin,WI,2,5,Tony Evers (D-WI),"Jan. 22, 2020",https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/WIGOV/bulletins/2776e3d,"I also promised that criminal justice reform would be a central focus of my administration. Although we have a lot of work to do on this issue, we made some important progress this year. For the first time in more than eight years, a governor stepped foot inside of one of our correctional facilities—and actually, not just one, I visited 6.",,,,,,,,,,X,,
West Virginia,WV,4,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,