Community-based reentry service providers have faced countless challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many have had to halt the essential services they provide to help people returning from prison or jail reenter successfully despite an increase in requests for these services. Those service disruptions often have been coupled with financial impacts, including layoffs and maintaining cash flow.
In April 2020, the CSG Justice Center surveyed reentry practitioners to understand the immediate impact of the pandemic. Today, a new survey seeks to capture how organizations have adjusted to respond to the pandemic and where gaps persist a year later. Findings will be shared with policymakers and stakeholders across the country to inform reentry policy, practice, and resource allocation based on local community needs in light of the pandemic.
At the CSG Justice Center, we work with states, tribal organizations, and local jurisdictions every day to help them adopt best practices at all points in their criminal and juvenile justice systems. We’re committed to making state, local, and federal leaders aware of the impacts that community-based service providers continue to face because of the pandemic.
By responding to our survey, you’ll help us communicate with policymakers across the country about the supports that valued practitioners need most.
Editor’s note: For the latest developments and resources related to the pandemic, visit COVID-19 Assistance for the Justice Community
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