Developing Sustainability, Success Stories from the Field
Hosted by The Council of State Governments Justice Center with Funding Support from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance
Grant funding often provides seed money to help agencies launch new programs. However, once the grant has expended, finding additional funds to sustain a program can be challenging. This webinar discusses how other funding streams can be leveraged, and partnerships developed, to help sustain a program.
In this webinar, Sheriff Christopher Donelan of Franklin County, MA—a Second…
Hosted by The Council of State Governments Justice Center with Funding Support from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance
Grant funding often provides seed money to help agencies launch new programs. However, once the grant has expended, finding additional funds to sustain a program can be challenging. This webinar discusses how other funding streams can be leveraged, and partnerships developed, to help sustain a program.
In this webinar, Sheriff Christopher Donelan of Franklin County, MA—a Second Chance Act grantee—provides insight on how engaging the business community led to the county program’s sustainability. Additionally, Suzanne Watson, community services director for Pottawattamie County, IA—a Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program grantee—discusses how her county’s mental health court is sustained with help from county investments. Staff from The Council of State Governments Justice Center also discuss their forthcoming publication, Reducing the Number of People with Mental Illnesses in Jail: Six Questions County Leaders Need to Ask.
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- Sheriff Christopher Donelan, Franklin County, MA
- Suzanne Watson, Pottawattamie County Community Services Director
- Risë Haneberg, Senior Policy Advisor, Behavioral Health, CSG Justice Center
- Will Engelhardt, Senior Policy Analyst, Behavioral Health, CSG Justice Center
- Bonnie Sultan, Grantee Technical Assistance Manager, CSG Justice Center