

Jail Medical Contracting: Best Practices for Supporting Stepping Up Goals

Past Event
January 18, 2022, 2:00- 3:30pm , Eastern

Hosted by The Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center and the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance

Across the country, county criminal justice, behavioral health, and social service system leaders are grappling with reducing the number of people with serious mental illness (SMI) in criminal justice systems, including county jails, often by using “front-end” strategies. Counties frequently struggle with using data to gauge the impact of these strategies on reducing the number of people with SMI in jails. One challenge for obtaining baseline data on SMI in jails centers on contracted private medical providers and their role in collecting and sharing data on SMI. This virtual discussion will equip participants with knowledge about the role contracted medical providers have in either screening for SMI, assessing for SMI, or both; collecting and sharing data with jail administration and how contracts can support this process; and best practices for screening, assessment, and collecting and sharing data for contracts with third-party medical providers. Jail administrators, jail data analysts, and staff from jail medical and mental health providers are especially encouraged to attend this webinar.


  • Sheriff Dallas Baldwin, Franklin County Ohio Sheriff’s Office
  • Risë Haneberg, Deputy Division Director, Behavioral Health Division, CSG Justice Center
  • Carrie Hill, Chief Jail Advisor, National Sheriffs’ Association and Executive Director, Massachusetts Sheriffs’ Association
  • Jim Martin, Vice President, Program Development, National Commission on Correctional Health Care
  • Sheriff Ian Parkinson, San Luis Obispo County California Sheriff’s Office
  • Chief Deputy Geoffrey Stobart, Franklin County Ohio Sheriff’s Office
  • Mark Stovell, Project Manager, Behavioral Health Division, CSG Justice Center
  • Jessica Yates, Business Analyst, San Luis Obispo County California Sheriff’s Office

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