Image for: Kendra Carroll

Kendra Carroll

Senior Policy Analyst, State Initiatives

Kendra Carroll provides policy evaluation and technical assistance to policymakers to improve reentry practices, parole decision-making, and risk assessment practices as part of the Justice Reinvestment Initiative. She has led collaborative discussions, developed policy recommendations, and assessed parole board decision-making in multiple states. Prior to joining the CSG Justice Center, Kendra worked in the juvenile justice sector in many capacities, including as a court designated specialist for the Kentucky Court of Justice and an intensive supervision officer for the South Carolina Department of Corrections. Kendra brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in recidivism reduction and reentry efforts, as well as informal diversionary sanctions. She earned her BS in forensic anthropology from Western Carolina University and her MS in criminal justice from the University of Cincinnati. Currently pursuing a doctoral degree in criminal justice, she is dedicated to advancing data-driven policies that improve public safety.

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