
Our Team

The CSG Justice Center has been at the forefront of supporting the expansion of first response with community responder programs, helping communities develop, sustain, and tailor them to their local needs. In 2021, the CSG Justice Center established the Community Responder Program portfolio of work within the Behavioral Health Division. The team that works on this portfolio is dedicated to uplifting and supporting the expansion of first response through the integration of community responder programs within first response systems. Our goal is to ensure that new and traditional first response systems work together to meet the needs of the communities they serve.

Our Work

We work toward community transformation by providing research, resources, and technical assistance for developing and integrating community responder programs within first response systems and crisis continuums of care.

Ad-hoc support

We collect resources and information, share them with individual programs that contact us, and post them in our Expanding First Response Toolkit.

Events and presentations

We host virtual and public events and present to audiences virtually and in person on critical topics related to the evolution of community responder programs, uplifting the voices and expertise of topical champions and specific community responder programs.

Expanding First Response Commission

We administer and facilitate the Expanding First Response Commission and work with members to develop recommendations that can be used across the country.

Intensive technical assistance

We provide intensive technical assistance to communities needing individual support while developing or scaling their community responder programs.

Learning communities

We create learning communities for programs nationwide and in specific communities, to address needs or topical issues such as youth response, college campus response, substance misuse and overdose, or specific geographic needs.

Key Staff

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Deputy Program Director, Behavioral Health
Anne Larsen helps coordinate crisis response alternatives and initiatives and provides technical assistance and education on community responder programs. Prior to joining the CSG Justice Center, she worked for the Olympia Police Department and created, implemented, and managed the Crisis
Response Unit (CRU) and Familiar Faces program. CRU is designed after the CAHOOTS model, which deploys unarmed, civilian-first responders to community members in crisis. Before working for the police department, she worked for the Thurston County Prosecuting Attorney’s office championing alternatives to the criminal justice system and supporting treatment courts. Anne has a BA in public administration and an MPA from The Evergreen State College.
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    Senior Project Analyst, Behavioral Health
    Ashtan Grace Towles supports the planning, implementation, and expansion of community responder programs nationally. Prior to joining the CSG Justice Center, she served at the NYC Office for the Prevention of Hate Crimes, where she helped to actualize community-driven approaches
    to public safety. Before that, she coordinated digital strategy and policy research on former NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio’s presidential campaign. She was a director’s fellow at the Yale Institution for Social and Policy Studies and a summer fellow at All Our Kin through the Yale Law School Liman Center for Public Interest Law. She graduated with distinction from Yale University with a BA and MA in political science, concentrating on legislative policy and communities of color. She is currently pursuing a PhD in sociology at Columbia University.
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    Senior Policy Analyst, Behavioral Health
    Hannah Stern assists in improving crisis response for people with behavioral health needs, housing insecurity, and social disturbances. Prior to joining the CSG Justice Center, she was a policy associate at the American Civil Liberties Union of Rhode Island, where
    she was a lobbyist and provided advocacy and technical support on legislation addressing civil liberties concerns, including an expansive number of criminal justice reform issues. Hannah has a BFA in modern literary studies from the University of California, Santa Cruz and an MSL from Roger Williams University School of Law, where she was a community leader fellow. 
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    Policy Analyst, Behavioral Health
    Kaniyaa Francis provides technical assistance and education to Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program grantees and projects related to crisis response alternatives and community responder programs. Prior to joining the CSG Justice Center, Kaniyaa was an associate research manager at
    Public Health Advocates, where she led policy research, development, and advocacy in California at the state and local levels. Over the years, Kaniyaa has facilitated the adoption and implementation of policies spanning a wide range of topic areas, including public safety reform and alternatives to emergency response systems, housing and homelessness, and childhood trauma and prevention of adverse childhood experiences. Kaniyaa holds a BS from the University of California, Davis, and an MPH from Columbia University.
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  • Blonde girl wearing a black blouse
    Project Manager, Behavioral Health
    Mari Bayer helps coordinate crisis response alternatives and initiatives and provides technical assistance and education on community responder programs. Prior to joining the CSG Justice Center, she was a research associate at the Urban Institute, where she led projects on
    topics that included mental health, youth and families, alternatives to crisis response, and The Credible Messenger Movement. Before that, Mari was a research associate for the U.S. Sentencing Commission, where she worked to amend the federal sentencing guidelines and inform policy decisions. Mari previously worked for Multnomah County, Oregon, where she evaluated juvenile justice reform initiatives. Mari earned her bachelor’s in psychology and criminal justice from Saint Louis University and a master’s in clinical psychology from Pacific University.
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  • Melissa Mc Kee headshot
    Senior Policy Analyst, Behavioral Health
    Melissa McKee provides writing, research, and technical assistance on projects related to community responder programs. Prior to joining the CSG Justice Center, she provided direct service to people at the intersection of complex behavioral health needs and criminal legal involvement
    in the Olympia, Washington, community through Olympia Police Department’s Familiar Faces program, which is built on the concept that changed people have the capacity to change lives. Melissa brings to this position a wealth of knowledge and perspective gained through a history of lived experience at that same intersection of behavioral health and criminal legal involvement. She earned her BA from The Evergreen State College, where she is currently working toward her MPA. 
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    Deputy Division Director, Behavioral Health
    Sarah Wurzburg oversees technical assistance focused on behavioral health, diversion, and reentry and serves as the lead for projects related to substance use, mental illnesses, and housing. She leads the work on the development of community responder programs, including a
    toolkit that supports sites in development of non-police responses to people in crisis. Previously, Sarah was a research analyst at the National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors, Inc., where she was the team lead for Youth and Women’s Services and was the primary author of research reports on youth substance use disorder treatment, driving under the influence, and Medicaid. Sarah has also worked as a juvenile court advocate and in community substance use disorder prevention. She received her BA from DePauw University in English (writing) and her MA in social services administration with a focus on policy analysis from the University of Chicago.
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    Policy Analyst, Behavioral Health
    Shontelle Ramsay supports the development of peer learning opportunities for sites across the country. She works with a wide range of stakeholders focused on local, state, and Tribal government; law enforcement; criminal justice; and behavioral health technical assistance efforts. Prior
    to joining the CSG Justice Center, Shontelle worked at the National Association on Drug Abuse Problems where she provided leadership and staff oversight of the Outreach Enrollment Department. She developed and managed formal partnerships with hospitals, government agencies, clinics, and more. Shontelle holds a BS in human services from NYC College of Technology and an MPA from Metropolitan College of New York. She is currently pursuing an MSW from Walden University.
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  • Current opportunities and events

    For upcoming webinars or other virtual events, see Events page.

    Acknowledgments | Funders

    This project is supported by the work of multiple funders and champions of community response. They include the following:


    Through Alkermes Inspire Grants, organizations that serve people living with addiction, mental illness, or cancer are supported, with priority given to underrepresented or historically under-resourced communities.

    Pew Charitable Trust

    Pew Charitable Trust is committed to enhancing public policy by conducting rigorous analysis, bringing diverse interests together, and ensuring that tangible results are achieved. The organization works to inspires public awareness of important issues and trends shaping our world by providing useful data.

    Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

    The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is committed to creating opportunities that improve health equity for everyone and building a culture of health. Together, with partners, Robert Wood Johnson promotes policies, practices, and system change to amplify unheard voices and shift the national conversation about health and wellbeing.

    Stand Together Trust

    Stand Together Trust helps America’s boldest changemakers tackle the root causes of our country’s biggest problems–driving solutions on education, economic opportunity, health care, bridging partisan divides, and other issues. Stand Together Trust believes that an effective criminal justice system protects people and preserves public safety, respects human dignity, restores victims and removes barriers for people with criminal records.

    The Joyce Foundation

    The Joyce Foundation works to advance racial equity and economic mobility by investing in public policies and strategies. The foundation works to advance racial equity and economic mobility for the next generation through evidence-informed policies and strategies.

    Vital Strategies

    Vital Strategies is a global health organization that believes every person should be protected by a strong public health system. Vital Strategies is helping a number of high-burden states in the U.S. strengthen and scale up evidence-based, data-driven interventions to reduce risks of overdose and save lives.

    This work could not be possible without the additional support and partnership of organizations who have studied community response for decades and who have developed programs of their own, including the Albuquerque Community Safety Department; Atlanta Policing Alternatives & Diversion Initiative; Austin Emergency Mobile Crisis Outreach Team; Baltimore Crisis Response, Inc.; Center for American Progress; Crisis Assistance Helping Out On The Streets; the Dayton, OH, Mediation Response Unit; Denver Supported Team Assisted Response; Durham’s Holistic Empathetic Assistance Response Team; Law Enforcement Action Partnership; New York Behavioral Health Emergency Assistance Response Division; Newark Community Street Team; Olympia Crisis Response Unit; Reach Out Response Network; Rochester Person in Crisis Team; Portland Street Response; Salvation and Social Justice; San Francisco Street Crisis Response Team; White Bird Clinic; and Yale Law School.