Justice Reinvestment in Idaho: Analyses and Policy Framework

If implemented, the package of policies outlined in the framework has the potential to generate significant savings in Idaho and state policymakers hope for a 15-percent reduction in recidivism.

January 2014 | The Council of State Governments Justice Center

By slowing growth in the state prison population between 2015 and 2019, these policies were originally projected to help the state avoid at least $288 million in construction and operating costs that would otherwise be needed to accommodate forecasted growth. In March 2015, the Council of State Governments Justice Center, in partnership with the Idaho Department of Correction and the Idaho Commission of Pardons and Parole, reviewed an improved set of data that resulted in a revision to these projections. The revised impact models estimate the policies in this report would help the state achieve $157 million in savings. To achieve these outcomes, a portion of the expected savings must be reinvested in funding for training probation and parole officers, providing community-based treatment services to people on probation and parole supervision who are at a higher risk of reoffending, and implementing quality assurance measures.

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