Justice Reinvestment in Ohio: Second Presentation
The second presentation to the Ohio Justice Reinvestment Committee brings the 50-State Summit on Public Safety to Ohio by highlighting key takeaways from the event in November 2017 in Washington, DC. The presentation also includes findings from a law enforcement survey conducted by the CSG Justice Center, provides information on effective policing strategies, and recaps Ohio’s efforts to reduce violent crime. Lastly, the presentation examines the behavioral health landscape and information on best practices to improve public safety.
Arkansas policymakers have long expressed concerns about the state’s high recidivism rate. Over the past 10 years, an…
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Arkansas policymakers have long expressed concerns about the state’s high recidivism rate. Over the past 10 years, an estimated 72 percent of prison admissions in the state involved people who were revoked from supervision, with unmet substance use and mental health challenges playing a significant role in these failures.
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