On Track: How Well Are States Preparing Youth in the Juvenile Justice System for Employment?
Drawing on first-of-its-kind survey data collected from all 50 states in partnership with the Council of Juvenile Correctional Administrators, this new brief establishes an unprecedented baseline for understanding how juvenile correctional agencies are preparing youth for employment.
The brief answers three key questions on state-level workforce development and career and technical education (CTE) services offered in juvenile justice systems:
- What workforce development services are provided to incarcerated youth in facilities and when they return to the community, and how are these services integrated into case and reentry planning?
- Are juvenile justice agencies partnering with workforce development agencies, educational entities, and employers to promote incarcerated youth’s career readiness and help youth to obtain meaningful employment in the community?
- What data are collected and reported on workforce development service provision, employment, and related youth outcomes?
Using this data, the brief highlights key national trends and ways in which states can strengthen their systems to meet best practice and improve results for youth reentering the community and seeking long-term success in the workforce.

When returning to their communities from criminal justice settings, people with behavioral health needs face barriers in accessing basic needs—including food, housing, employment, transportation, education, clothing, and substance use and mental health services—which increases their risk of experiencing a crisis.
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New Hampshire Department of Corrections Commissioner Helen Hanks presents at the Medicaid and Corrections Policy Academy in-person meeting.
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