Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program Grant

JMHCP supports innovative collaborations between criminal justice and mental health systems to respond to people with mental illnesses or co-occurring mental illnesses and substance use disorders who come in contact with justice systems. There are three categories of funding: (1) to reduce number of people with mental illnesses in jails; (2) to support planning between law enforcement and mental health agencies; and (3) to support the implementation and expansion of collaboration programs.

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Funding Overview:

JMHCP supports innovative collaborations between criminal justice and mental health systems to respond to people with mental illnesses or co-occurring mental illnesses and substance use disorders who come in contact with justice systems. There are three categories of funding: (1) to reduce number of people with mental illnesses in jails; (2) to support planning between law enforcement and mental health agencies; and (3) to support the implementation and expansion of collaboration programs.

Common Uses:

Programs that support cooperative efforts by public safety officials and service providers to connect people with mental illnesses or co-occurring mental illnesses and substance use disorders to treatment and social services; mental health courts or other court-based programs; programs that offer specialized training for public safety officials and mental health providers in order to respond appropriately to individuals with mental illnesses or co-occurring disorders; programs that support cooperation between state and local governments to enhance support for individuals with mental illnesses or co-occurring disorders.

Issue Area(s): Criminal Justice, Mental Health, Other, Substance Use Disorder

Eligibility: City, County, State, Territory, Tribal

Key Usage Options: Research/Evaluation, Screening/Assessment, Staff Training

Funding Amount/Range: Varies, $99,000–$750,000

Allocation Frequency: Annual

Funding/Expending Period: 24-26 months

Funding Type: Competitive Grant

How to Obtain: Application Process

Match Requirement: Yes


The match is 20 percent.