Image for: Risë Haneberg

Risë Haneberg

Former Deputy Division Director, Behavioral Health

Risë Haneberg served as deputy division director within the Behavioral Health Division at The Council of State Governments Justice Center. In this role, Risë led the Stepping Up Initiative, the national effort to reduce the number of people with mental illnesses in the justice system with partners National Association of Counties and the American Psychiatric Foundation. Additionally, Risë provided oversight to county systems improvement projects and technical assistance to Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program grantee sites. Before joining the CSG Justice Center, Risë served as the criminal justice coordinator for Johnson County, Kansas, from 2008 to 2014. Risë previously served as the chief court service officer in Johnson County and began her career in criminal justice as a juvenile probation officer in 1979. Risë holds a BS in criminal justice from Wichita State University and an MA in public administration from the University of Kansas.

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