

Integrating Criminal Justice and Behavioral Health Data

Past Event
June 14, 2022, 2:00- 3:30pm , Eastern

Hosted by The Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center and the Integrated Justice Information Systems (IJIS) Institute


In many jurisdictions around the country, a small number of adults with high behavioral health needs are having an outsized impact on local criminal justice and health systems. By working together, criminal justice agencies and health organizations can use their data and IT systems to better identify these individuals, also called familiar faces, and apply the data to better address individuals’ underlying behavioral health and social needs to reduce system costs, criminal justice encounters, and unnecessary health system usage while improving lives. IJIS and the CSG Justice Center will present two products on data collection, “Integrating Criminal Justice and Behavioral Health Data: Checklist for Building and Maintaining a Data Warehouse” and “Selecting a Data Warehouse Vendor for Criminal Justice-Behavioral Health Partnerships.” These products can aid jurisdictions in assessing current system capacities to conduct a data match, creating system integration plans, and developing technology solutions. This webinar will feature a Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program grant site, the Superior Court of Fulton County, GA, to present on data collection and data sharing across agencies to improve outcomes for people with complex behavioral health needs.  



  • Bob May, Program Director, IJIS Institute 
  • Risë Haneburg, Deputy Division Director, Behavioral Health, CSG Justice Center 
  • Nicholas Heaghney, Court Policy Analyst I, Office of the Court Administrator, Superior Court of Fulton County, GA 
  • Ethan Kelly, Senior Policy Analyst, Behavioral Health, CSG Justice Center 

Event recording

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