Using New Checklists to Assess Juvenile Justice Systems
Hosted by the National Reentry Resource Center
This webinar highlights three checklists focused on reducing juvenile recidivism, which are now available on the CSG Justice Center website. These checklists can help state and local officials assess whether their juvenile justice system’s policies and practices are aligned with the research on “what works” to reduce recidivism, and to identify opportunities for improvement. The three checklists, each tailored to a specific audience, include the Juvenile Justice Agency Leaders and Managers Checklist, the Judges Checklist and the Policymaker Checklist. The webinar will also focus on how to use the Interactive Juvenile Justice Agency Leaders and Managers Checklist. This comprehensive online assessment allows agency leaders to answer key policy and practice questions and receive a score sheet to identify system strengths and areas for improvement. All juvenile recidivism checklists can be used to develop an action plan to improve outcomes for youth in the juvenile justice system.
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