Courting Judicial Excellence: Juvenile Justice Judicial Training Institutes

Join Us for the 2025 Courting Judicial Excellence Juvenile Justice Training Institutes!

Judge Gayl Y. Branum Carr (Ret.), Chief Judge, Fairfax Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court, Fairfax, VA and Judge John J. Romero, Jr., (Ret.), Presiding Judge of the Children’s Court Division of the Second Judicial District Court, Albuquerque, NM, served as judicial faculty for the inaugural Courting Judicial Excellence Juvenile Justice Judicial Training Institute in 2024.


“The importance of this juvenile justice training institute is due to the limited, if any, judicial education, or training received by the multitude of judges who decide the hundreds of thousands of cases involving children who are involved in the courts across the nation involving juvenile delinquency matters.” —Judge Gayl Y. Branum Carr (Ret.), Chief Judge, Fairfax Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court, Fairfax, VA

  • May 19–23, 2025, Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • June 23–27, 2025, Anaheim, California
  • August 18–22, 2025, Austin, Texas

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This intensive and interactive three-and-a-half day training program is designed to provide judicial officers who hear delinquency proceedings with increased knowledge of research, practical tools, and an essential foundation of best practices to use in the youth justice cases coming before them. A nationally renowned faculty of current and former judicial officers and experts from academic and applied settings will share their insights on a host of juvenile justice related topics.

Judges will also have a unique opportunity to meet and share with other bench officers around the country and create professional connections and networks for continual learning. In addition, we will have an optional half-day learning excursion to a local community organization, court, or innovation center.

Finally, judicial officers who attend the training are eligible to apply, on behalf of their jurisdiction, for free follow-up technical assistance from The Council of State Governments Justice Center and the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges to help implement specific policy and practice improvements of their choice covered at the Institute. More information about this technical assistance opportunity will be provided to registrants or you can email to learn more.


This Institutes are designed for all judicial officers who hear delinquency proceedings. If you’re a general jurisdiction judge, new to the juvenile court bench, returning to the juvenile bench after other assignments, or even a more experienced officer looking to learn about the most updated youth justice research and best practices, this training is for you!


This year we’ll be conducting three regional Institutes. While we encourage you to register for the Institute in your area, feel free to register for whichever Institute makes sense for your schedule. We hope to have a diverse group of judges at each Institute. Therefore, if we receive more than six registrations from one state, we may contact you to discuss the possibility of a state-specific Institute. If you’re interested in bringing the Institute to your state, please contact Senior Site Manager Jessica Pearce at for more information.

  • May 19–23, 2025, Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • June 23–27, 2025, Anaheim, California
  • August 18–22, 2025, Austin, Texas

It’s free to attend a Courting Judicial Excellence Institute. Participants will be responsible for their own travel, lodging, and meals while attending the Institute. Please do not make travel arrangements until after you receive a logistical confirmation email.


Register Now

Space is limited to 50 judicial officers. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. However, to ensure diverse geographic representation, registration may be capped at a maximum of 5 participants from any state. Should your state wish to send more than 5 participants, please contact Jessica Pearce, senior site manager, at to discuss ways to bring the training institute to your state.

All registrations are subject to approval by NCJFCJ. Completing a registration form does not mean you are registered for the conference. Please do not make travel arrangements until after you receive a logistical confirmation email.

Key Staff

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Deputy Division Director, Corrections and Reentry
Josh Weber directs the CSG Justice Center's juvenile justice program, which focuses on helping states use effective methods to reduce recidivism and improve outcomes for youth in contact with the juvenile justice system. Previously, Josh spent 10 years working on
building the capacity of programs and systems that serve vulnerable youth in the juvenile justice, youth development, workforce development, and child welfare systems. Josh managed research programs for the Youth Development and Research Fund in Maryland and the Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago. In addition, Josh led the development and implementation of NYC Administration for Children’s Services' alternative to placement and reentry program for juveniles using evidence-based practices. He also directed the District of Columbia’s Justice Grants Administration, which managed all federal juvenile and criminal justice grants for the District. Josh received his BA in psychology from Duke University and his MPA from Princeton University.
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  • Christina Gilbert
    Project Manager, Corrections and Reentry
    Christina Gilbert works to improve outcomes for youth involved with the justice system, providing technical assistance across the country. Prior to joining the CSG Justice Center, Christina worked at the Gault Center (formerly the National Juvenile Defender Center), where she built
    the capacity and quality of youth defense systems and representation. At the Gault Center, Christina also managed a campaign to end shackling of youth in court and directed The Equity Project, a collaborative initiative to ensure fair, equitable, and dignified treatment for LGBTQI+ youth. Christina holds a JD from Northeastern University School of Law and a BA in social thought and political economy from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. 
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