Program Checklists
These checklists can help law enforcement, behavior health, and local leaders determine whether their PMHC programs align with promising practices for improving outcomes for law enforcement encounters with people with mental illnesses or who are in mental health crisis.
PMHC programs are a growing priority for leaders in public safety and mental health care fields. Mental health calls for service are among the most complex and time-consuming for law enforcement. PMHC programs allow officers to be safer, reduce repeat calls for service, minimize the strain on agency resources, and connect people with mental illnesses to services. The checklists are designed with the understanding that each law enforcement agency is unique and its PMHC program should be responsive to community needs and consistent with related resources in that jurisdiction.
The checklists will help to determine whether a program is comprehensive and effective based on its alignment with the essential elements of a PMHC. Each checklist also addresses the particular management and oversight responsibilities of a given administrator.