Los Angeles Police Department
At A Glance
Total number of agency personnel:12,030
Sworn: 9,233
Civilian: 2,797
Total population served: 4 million
Jurisdiction: City of Los Angeles, California
Program Highlights
- Uses a multi-layered approach that includes triage by trained dispatchers, 24-hour triage line for officers, co-response teams, follow-up case managers, and focused community engagement
- Features embedded mental health professionals in police agency
- Incorporates comprehensive data collection and information-sharing procedures
- Employs a robust training strategy that includes 40-hour Mental Health Intervention Training
- Engages community partners through the Mental Health Crisis Response Program Advisory Board
Website: LAPD Mental Evaluation Unit (MEU)
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Detective III Elizabeth Reyes
Los Angeles Police Department
Mental Evaluation Unit (MEU)
100 W. First Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 996-1335
Bac Luu, LCSW
Mental Health Clinical Program Manager I
County of Los Angeles-Department of Mental Health
100 W. First Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012