Past Events

The CSG Justice Center regularly hosts free webinars, trainings, and events across the country. Join our mailing list to be the first to hear about upcoming events.




Third Annual JPLI Leadership Summit

The Judges and Psychiatrists Leadership Initiative (JPLI) is excited to host our third annual Leadership Summit on May…

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Judges and Psychiatrists Leadership Initiative Annual Leadership Summit

Join the American Psychiatric Association Foundation and The Council of State Governments Justice Center on Tuesday, May 17…

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Jail Medical Contracting: Best Practices for Supporting Stepping Up Goals

Across the country, county criminal justice, behavioral health, and social service system leaders are grappling with reducing the…

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Responding to Familiar Faces in Crisis Part 2: Engagement Challenges and Strategies

Across the country, people in many jurisdictions who frequently encounter criminal justice, behavioral health, and social service systems…

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Taking the Call: A national conference exploring innovative community responder models

Taking the Call will bring people together from across the U.S. to explore how jurisdictions are serving as…

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Collecting and Utilizing Data in Community Responder Programs

Across the U.S., local governments are seeking to respond to appeals from residents to institutionalize public safety and…

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Prosecutor-Led Diversion Programs: Roundtable Discussion

Diversion programs for individuals with mental and/or behavioral health needs who are involved in the criminal legal system…

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More Community, Less Confinement: How Supervision Violations Impacted Prison Admissions During the Pandemic

The pandemic forced changes in probation and parole that resulted in unprecedented drops in the number of people…

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Community Lessons on Developing and Prioritizing Housing for People with Behavioral Health Needs

This webinar will provide Stepping Up Ohio communities with the chance to learn from peers in Ohio and…

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How Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics Support People in the Criminal Justice System

Jurisdictions across the country are grappling with developing comprehensive, cross-sector, community-based crisis response systems that address the needs…

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Community of Practice Session 1: Creating Housing Opportunities for People with Complex Health Needs Leaving the Justice System

The CSG Justice Center and CSH are hosting a three-session virtual Community of Practice (CoP) focused on strategies…

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Stepping Up Kansas Peer-to-Peer Connection Hours

A series of peer-to-peer connection hours for all counties participating in the Kansas Stepping Up Technical Assistance Center…

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Cross-System Partner Engagement and Outreach to Address Community Needs

This virtual discussion is intended for law enforcement agencies; justice, health, and victim service providers; and community organizations…

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Building Partnerships Between Prosecutors and Mental Health Clinicians

This virtual discussion is intended for jurisdictions and counties interested in creating partnerships between mental health professionals and…

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Kansas Stepping Up Technical Assistance Center Training 1: A Deep Dive into the Stepping Up Framework and Key Question 1

As part of the Kansas Stepping Up Technical Assistance Center funded by the Kansas Department for Aging and…

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Community Engagement: Planning and Ongoing Support for Community Responder Programs

Leaders around the country have begun to reckon with racial injustice and consider how to reimagine public safety…

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Responding to the 2021 Solicitation for Connect and Protect Law Enforcement Behavioral Health Responses

Leaders around the country have begun to reckon with racial injustice and consider how to reimagine public safety…

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Stepping Up and Connections to Care: Making the Case with Data

Hosted by The Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center, the American Psychiatric Association Foundation, the National Association…

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Responding to the 2021 Solicitation for the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program

Leaders around the country have begun to reckon with racial injustice and consider how to reimagine public safety…

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Collaborate, Train & Engage: Diverting People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Discussing best practices that localities can implement to improve cross-system collaboration, family engagement, identification, and accessibility of services…

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How to Use American Rescue Plan Housing Resources for Stepping Up

Hosted by The Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center

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Achieving Cultural Competency in Behavioral Health and Criminal Justice

This webinar focuses on best practices for achieving cultural competency in criminal justice and behavioral health programs.

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Creating Buy-in: Best Practices for Collaborating with Referral Sources on Crisis Stabilization Units

This webinar focuses on best practices for developing crisis stabilization units (CSUs).

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Responding to People in Crisis, Part 1: Identifying “Familiar Faces”

This webinar series will provide information on how to effectively serve and increase engagement with people who frequently…

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The Inaugural Leadership Summit of the Judges’ and Psychiatrists’ Leadership Initiative

The JPLI celebrates judicial and psychiatric leadership to improve outcomes for people with behavioral health needs.

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Congressional Briefing: How Three Communities Are Supporting Mental Health and Decreasing Justice System Involvement Through JMHCP

Each year, roughly two million people with serious mental illnesses are admitted to jails across the nation. Join…

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Photo of the U.S. Capitol
A Unique Moment in Time: Leveraging American Rescue Plan Funding for Juvenile Justice Reform

Join us for a discussion on how jurisdictions may be able to leverage funding streams from the American…

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Parent and child holding hands
Using Distance-Based Child-Parent Engagement Strategies in Correctional Facilities

This workshop focuses on jail and prison policies that support strengthening relationships between incarcerated parents and their children…

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Birds eye view of houses
The Role of Housing Supports in Reentry

This workshop discusses how to integrate housing solutions into the reentry process.

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Man receiving mental health care
Operationalizing Reentry Programs for People with Behavioral Health Needs

This workshop discusses how to build successful reentry programs for people with behavioral health needs.

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After the Sentence, More Consequences: A National Report of Barriers to Work

This workshop provides a national overview of employment-related collateral consequences and considerations for policymakers in reducing these barriers…

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Reducing Structural Barriers to School and Work for People with Juvenile Records

The CSG Justice Center hosted a discussion exploring education- and employment-related collateral consequences for youth and what concrete…

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Using the Web-Based Self Assessment Tool and Technical Assistance Centers to Improve Police and Community Responses to People with Behavioral Health Needs

This workshop for local jurisdictions focuses on resources that can be used to develop effective cross-system responses to…

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How Structural Racism, Disproportionate Incarceration, and COVID-19 are Affecting the Health of Communities of Color

This conversation aims to provide important historical context about the relationship between racism, incarceration, and heath outcomes.

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Feb - Feb

Second Chance Act Addressing the Needs of Incarcerated Parents and Their Minor Children Grantee Orientation Webinar

In this webinar, OJJDP and CSG Justice Center staff explain the training and technical assistance opportunities and resources…

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Feb - Feb

Second Chance Act Improving Reentry for Adults with Substance Use Disorders Grantee Orientation Web

In this webinar, CSG Justice Center staff explain the training and technical assistance opportunities and resources available to…

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Data-Driven Justice and Stepping Up Initiative: Coordinating a System Response to 911 Dispatch

This discussion focuses on 911 dispatch intervention strategies with a special emphasis on data collection, screening and practical…

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Jan - Jan

FY20 OJJDP Juvenile JMHCP TTA Grantee Orientation Zoom Part Two

In this webinar, CSG Justice Center staff focus on providing more context on the Justice Center’s juvenile justice…

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FY20 OJJDP Juvenile JMHCP TTA Grantee Orientation Webinar Part One

In this webinar, CSG Justice Center and OJJDP staff provide newly awarded juvenile justice grantees an overview on…

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Dec - Dec

FY20 JMHCP Purpose Area 1 Orientation Webinar

This webinar explains the training and technical assistance opportunities and resources available to FY20 Justice and Mental Health…

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Dec - Dec

FY20 JMHCP Purpose Area 2 Orientation Webinar

This webinar provides an overview of the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP) Purpose Area 2 grant…

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Dec - Dec

FY20 JMHCP Orientation Webinar Part 2

In this webinar, CSG Justice Center and BJA staff provide newly awarded grantees an overview of the budget…

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Nov - Nov

FY20 JMHCP Orientation Webinar Part 1

In this webinar, CSG Justice Center and BJA staff provide newly awarded grantees an overview on the BJA,…

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Diverting People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities from the Criminal Justice System

This webinar features strategies and tips on diversion for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

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Five Years of Stepping Up: A Virtual Roundtable

This special virtual event commemorates five years of Stepping Up and features an opportunity to learn more about…

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Turning One-Off Programs into Systems-Wide Behavioral Health Diversion

This webinar describes key components to developing a systems-wide behavioral health diversion strategy. It focuses on the fundamental…

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Rethinking the Role of the Juvenile Justice System: Improving Youth’s School Attendance and Educational Outcomes

This webinar presents findings from an unprecedented study conducted by the CSG Justice Center on the impact of…

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Advancing Prosecutor-Led Behavioral Health Diversion

This webinar, featuring prosecutors leading programs in their own communities, describes some of the unique benefits of and…

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How State-Led Housing Initiatives Can Break the Cycle of Criminal Justice Involvement

This webinar focuses on how critical state leaders are to enabling local communities in their efforts to reduce…

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Building Crisis Care Systems through State-Local Collaboration

This virtual workshop for local jurisdictions features discussions among peer jurisdictions and state lawmakers about strategies for engaging,…

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Enhancing Behavioral Health and Criminal Justice Partnerships Through Cross-Training

This webinar discusses the importance of cross-training among behavioral health and criminal justice partners to better address the…

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Addressing Justice System Inequities Head-On

Webinar: County justice system directors share how they propel change to address systemic disparities.

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How to Respond Effectively to People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in the Criminal Justice System

Join us for a webinar on the prevalence of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the criminal…

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How Do Relapse Prevention Plans Support Reentry?

Join us for a webinar on how jurisdictions can incorporate relapse prevention into their reentry planning efforts.

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How Cross-Systems Collaboration Can Help Young People in the Justice System Achieve Improved Workforce Outcomes

Join us for a webinar on help meeting the workforce development and career and technical education needs of…

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Jul - Jul

Connecting People Who Have Serious Mental Illnesses to Care—Telehealth and Other Strategies

View this webinar focused on increasing connections to care in a changing world.

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Apr - Apr

Webinar: Releasing People from Jail during COVID-19 Pandemic

This webinar presents a checklist of considerations for jail release during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Feb - Feb

FY19 JMHCP: First Session on Strategic Planning

This webinar is the first session on strategic planning for FY19 Category 2 JMHCP grantees. This webinar was…

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Dec - Dec

Working with People Who Have Developmental Disabilities in the Criminal Justice System—Access and Communication

This webinar addresses the practical application of tips for working successfully with people in the criminal justice system…

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Dec - Dec

2019 Second Chance Act Orientation: Innovations in Supervision Initiative

During this webinar, recipients of the FY2019 Second Chance Act Innovations in Supervision Initiative: Building Capacity to Create…

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Dec - Dec

2019 Second Chance Act Orientation: Community Based Adult Reentry Grantees

During this webinar, recipients of the FY2019 Second Chance Act Community-Based Adult Reentry award receive information about the…

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Dec - Dec

2019 JMHCP Grantee Orientation: Category 1

In this webinar, CSG Justice Center staff explain the training and technical assistance opportunities and resources available to…

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Dec - Dec

Man types on laptop
Law Enforcement Responses for People Who Have Mental Health Needs

In this webinar, representatives from the NRRC, along with staff from BJA, provide an overview of the Second…

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Dec - Dec

2019 Second Chance Act Orientation: Innovative Reentry Initiatives

During this webinar, recipients of the FY2019 Second Chance Act Innovations in Supervision Initiative: Building Capacity to Create…

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Dec - Dec

2019 JMHCP Grantee Orientation: Category 2

In this webinar staff from BJA provide an overview of the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP)…

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Dec - Dec

2019 JMHCP Grantee Orientation: Category 3

In this webinar staff from BJA provide an overview of the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP)…

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Nov - Nov

Process Measures at the Interface of Criminal Justice and Behavioral Health

The data collection and evaluation learning community series for JMHCP and SCA grantees focuses on topics related to…

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Nov - Nov

2019 JMHCP Orientation Webinar Part 2: Grant Management and Financial Reporting

In this webinar, staff from the U.S. Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Assistance provide an overview about…

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Nov - Nov

2019 JMHCP Orientation Webinar Part 1: Training and Technical Assistance Overview

In this webinar, CSG Justice Center staff explain the training and technical assistance opportunities and resources available to…

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2019 Second Chance Act Grantee Orientation

During this webinar, representatives from the National Reentry Resource Center explain the training and technical assistance opportunities and…

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Law Enforcement Responses for People Who Have Mental Health Needs

In this webinar, presenters discuss six questions that law enforcement executives should consider when developing or enhancing Police-Mental…

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Sep - Sep

On Track: How Well Are States Preparing Youth in the Juvenile Justice System for Employment?

In this webinar staff, from the CSG Justice Center and representatives from the U.S. Department of Education discuss…

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Sep - Sep

The Essential Role of Juvenile Diversion

In 2016, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention began awarding grants to states seeking to revamp…

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Sep - Sep

The Behavioral Health Needs Framework and Collaborative Comprehensive Case Plans

This webinar highlights two jurisdictions—the State of Oklahoma and Douglas County, Nebraska—and explains how they used Collaborative Comprehensive…

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Aug - Aug

Improving Job Readiness and Retention for Higher Risk Populations

During this webinar, participants learn about the integration of social learning and/or cognitive behavioral approaches, as well as…

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Jun - Jun

Facts and Myths: Health Care Employment Opportunities for People with Criminal Records

Health care is one of the fastest-growing employment sectors in the country, with the demand for qualified workers…

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Jun - Jun

Innovative Programming for Veterans in the Criminal Justice System

This webinar focusses on the programming developed specifically for veterans in two jurisdictions—the Middlesex County Sheriff’s Office in…

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Jun - Jun

Connecting the Dots: Lessons Learned from a Comprehensive Juvenile Justice Systems Improvement Initiative

This webinar explains the research and track record of reform efforts underpinning the IOYouth approach as well as…

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May - May

Responding to the 2019 Second Chance Act Reentry for Adults with Co-occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Illness Solicitation

In this webinar, representatives from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance and the National Reentry…

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May - May

Improving Cultural Competency: Working with People in the Criminal Justice System Who Have Mental Illnesses

This webinar provides an overview of the intersection of mental illness and the criminal justice system; describes factors…

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May - May

Responding to the 2019 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program Solicitation

In this webinar, representatives from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance and The Council of…

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May - May

Responding to the 2019 Second Chance Act Innovative Reentry Initiatives Solicitation: Building System Capacity and Testing Strategies to Reduce Recidivism

During this webinar, representatives from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance and the National Reentry…

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May - May

Responding to the 2019 Second Chance Act Innovations in Supervision Initiative Solicitation

During this webinar, representatives from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and the National…

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Apr - Apr

Responding to the 2019 Second Chance Act Community-Based Adult Reentry Grant Program Solicitation

In this webinar, officials from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance and the National Reentry…

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Apr - Apr

Promoting Your Reentry Work During Second Chance Month

The National Reentry Resource Center and JustLeadershipUSA hosted this webinar about ways to promote your reentry work. The…

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Feb - Feb

2018 JMHCP Category 1 Grantee Orientation

In this webinar, CSG Justice Center staff explain the training and technical assistance opportunities and resources available to…

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Jan - Jan

2018 JMHCP Grantee Orientation

In this webinar, CSG Justice Center staff explain the training and technical assistance opportunities and resources available to…

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Dec - Dec

Enhancing Program Success and Sustainability for Women in the Justice System: Targeting System Change Strategies

Featuring Becki Ney of the National Resource Center on Justice-Involved Women, this webinar covers system-level strategies to maximize…

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Nov - Nov

2018 Second Chance Act Orientation for Adult Reentry and Employment Strategic Planning Grant Program

During this webinar, recipients of 2018 Second Chance Act (SCA) Adult Reentry and Employment Strategic Planning grants received…

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Nov - Nov

2018 Second Chance Act Orientation for the Community-Based Adult Reentry Program: Category 2

During this webinar, grantees received information about the grant program, including steps for getting the program started, submission…

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Nov - Nov

2018 Second Chance Act Orientation for the Innovations in Reentry Initiative Grant Program

During this webinar, FY18 SCA Innovations in Reentry grantees received information about the grant program, including steps for…

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Nov - Nov

2018 Second Chance Act Orientation for Reentry for Adults with Co-Occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Illness Grant Program

In this webinar, representatives from the NRRC, along with staff from BJA, provide an overview of the Second…

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Using the New National Inventory of Collateral Consequences of Criminal Conviction Website

This webinar provides an overview of the new NICCC site and discusses how attorneys, judges, policymakers, advocates, and…

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2018 Second Chance Act Orientation for the Community-Based Adult Reentry Program: Category 1

During this webinar, grantees under Category 1 of the FY2018 SCA Community-based Adult Reentry Program received information about…

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2018 Second Chance Act Grantee Orientation

During this webinar, representatives from the National Reentry Resource Center explain the training and technical assistance opportunities and…

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Sep - Sep

Technology and Criminal Record Clearance

This webinar explores how technology has influenced criminal record clearance processes and improved service delivery around the country.

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Aug - Aug

Effectively Engaging the Community in Juvenile Record Clearance

The presenters of this webinar discuss overcoming the challenges to effective community engagement and explore ways to increase…

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Aug - Aug

Addressing Barriers to Occupational Licensing for People Who Have Criminal Records

This webinar discusses some of the barriers to occupational licensing that people who have criminal records face, and…

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Jul - Jul

Best Practices for Successful Reentry for People with an Opioid Addiction

This webinar includes information on planning and coordination, behavioral health treatment, cognitive interventions, and community supervision practices as…

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Jul - Jul

Best and Promising Practices in Integrating Reentry and Employment Interventions

This webinar is based on lessons learned from integrating reentry and employment interventions to help people returning home…

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Jul - Jul

Opioid Addiction Screening and Assessment for People in the Criminal Justice System

This webinar focusses on best practices for screening and assessment of people in the criminal justice system who…

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Jun - Jun

Understanding Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in People Involved with the Criminal Justice System

In this webinar, Leigh Ann Davis, director of the National Center on Criminal Justice & Disability, discusses differences…

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Jun - Jun

Empowering People with Criminal Records to Change Policy: A Legal Advocate’s Guide to Storytelling

This webinar features presenters who discuss the best ways to empower people who have criminal records to tell…

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Jun - Jun

Considerations for Journalists Writing about People Who Have Criminal Histories

The presenters explain how the Clean Slate Clearinghouse works and offer tips to journalists on how to use…

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Jun - Jun

How Community Supervision Agencies Can Develop and Implement Collaborative Comprehensive Case Plans

This webinar provides an overview of the San Joaquin County program and discuss the program’s processes in three…

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Jun - Jun

Responding to the 2018 Second Chance Act Innovations in Reentry Initiative Solicitation

During this webinar, representatives from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and the National…

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May - May

Juvenile Defenders and Civil Legal Aid Attorneys Collaborating for Record Clearance

This webinar explores ways that juvenile defenders and civil legal aid attorneys can partner to share expertise and…

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May - May

Responding to the 2018 Second Chance Act Improving Reentry for Adults with Co-occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Illness Solicitation

In this webinar, representatives from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance and the National Reentry…

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May - May

Responding to the 2018 Second Chance Act Adult Reentry and Employment Solicitation

In this webinar, representatives from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and the National…

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May - May

How Community-Based Behavioral Health Treatment Providers Can Develop and Implement Collaborative Comprehensive Case Plans

This webinar focusses on a community-based behavioral health treatment provider as the lead case planner. The webinar feature…

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May - May

Responding to the 2018 Solicitation for the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program

In this webinar, representatives from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance and the CSG Justice…

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May - May

Responding to the 2018 SCA Addressing the Needs of Incarcerated Parents with Minor Children Solicitation

In this webinar, representatives from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and…

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Apr - Apr

Addressing the Needs of Veterans in the Criminal Justice System

This webinar provides an overview of national estimates of incarcerated veterans; explains components of the Veterans Health Administration’s…

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Apr - Apr

Young Adult Justice: Emerging Research and Innovative Practices

In this webinar, representatives from the National Reentry Resource Center and the New York City Department of Probation…

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Apr - Apr

The Clean Slate Model–Sealing Criminal Records through Automated Computer Queries

This webinar explores the new “Clean Slate” model of mass sealing minor conviction and non-conviction records by automated…

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Apr - Apr

Reducing Barriers to Employment—Building Partnerships with Civil Legal Aid

This webinar explores how civil legal interventions can reduce the number of obstacles to employment facing jobseekers who…

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Apr - Apr

Responding to the 2018 Second Chance Act Innovations in Supervision Initiative Solicitation

During this webinar, representatives from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance and the National Reentry…

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Apr - Apr

Winning Grants—Implementation and Organizational Capacity

This webinar provides a general overview of how to assess organizational capacity and present an implementation plan in…

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Apr - Apr

Winning Grants–Writing Your Way to Success

This webinar provides guidance on writing proposals that are responsive to Bureau of Justice Assistance grant requirements.

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Apr - Apr

Responding to the 2018 Second Chance Act Comprehensive Community-Based Adult Reentry Grant Program Solicitation

In this webinar, officials from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance and the National Reentry…

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Mar - Mar

Best Practices in Screening and Assessment for People with Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders in the Criminal Justice System

This webinar features Roger Peters, PhD, a licensed clinical psychologist and professor in the Department of Mental Health Law and Policy…

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Feb - Feb

Juvenile Record Clearance 2017 Legislative Reforms

In 2017, states around the country saw changes to their juvenile record clearance laws. This webinar explores the…

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Feb - Feb

How Correctional Agencies Can Develop and Implement Collaborative Comprehensive Case Plans

The webinar provides a conceptual overview of the Franklin County Sheriff's Office reentry program in Greenfield, Massachusetts, and…

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Jan - Jan

2017 Second Chance Act Orientation for Innovations in Reentry Grantees

In this webinar, staff from BJA provide an overview of the grant program, and NRRC staff explain the…

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Jan - Jan

Supporting People with Serious Mental Illnesses and Reducing Their Risk of Contact with the Criminal Justice System

This webinar provides an overview of the primer, Supporting People with Serious Mental Illnesses and Reducing Their Risk…

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Dec - Dec

Effectively Implementing Evidence Based Programs and Services for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System

This webinar highlights strategies, tools, examples, and best-practice models from across the country that juvenile justice agency managers,…

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Dec - Dec

2017 SCA Orientation for Strengthening Relationships Between Young Fathers, Young Mothers, and their Children Grantees

During this webinar grantees received information about the grant program, including development of the Planning and Implementation Guide,…

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Dec - Dec

Transformative Practices–Promoting Access to Expungement

This webinar highlights innovative practices around the country that are increasing access to critically needed record clearing services.

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Dec - Dec

Practical Considerations Related to Release and Sentencing for Defendants Who Have Behavioral Health Needs

During this webinar, judges and other court personnel learn about the tips for recognizing indications of a mental…

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Dec - Dec

2017 Second Chance Act Orientation for Statewide Recidivism Reduction Grantees

During this webinar, presenters from the National Reentry Resource Center and the U.S. Department of Justice's Bureau of…

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Dec - Dec

2017 Second Chance Act Orientation for Community-Based Adult Reentry Grantees

During this webinar, grantees receive information about the grant program, including steps for getting the program started, submission…

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Dec - Dec

2017 Second Chance Act Orientation for Innovations in Supervision Grantees

In this webinar, staff from U.S. Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Assistance provide an overview of the…

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Nov - Nov

Second Chance Act Grantee Training: Engaging Local Employers–A Sector-Based Approach

This training prepared corrections, reentry, and workforce development directors, managers and direct service providers for developing system-wide, sustainable…

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Nov - Nov

2017 Second Chance Act Orientation for Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Disorders Grantees

In this webinar, staff from U.S. Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Assistance provide an overview of the…

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Nov - Nov

Collateral Consequences of a Juvenile Adjudication: How Juvenile Records Can Affect Youth Even After the Case Is Over

This webinar explores the breadth of collateral consequences of a juvenile adjudication and discusses ways in which youth…

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Nov - Nov

Developing Collaborative Comprehensive Case Plans

This webinar provides an overview of a web-based tool that includes key priorities for developing and implementing collaborative…

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Nov - Nov

2017 JMHCP Category 2 Law Enforcement Planning Grantee Orientation

In this webinar, CSG Justice Center staff explain the training and technical assistance opportunities and resources that are…

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Nov - Nov

2017 JMHCP Category 3 Implementation & Expansion Grantee Orientation

In this webinar, CSG Justice Center staff explain the training and technical assistance opportunities and resources available to…

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Nov - Nov

2017 Second Chance Act Grantee Orientation

During this webinar, NRRC staff explain the training and technical assistance opportunities and resources available to grantees. Staff…

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Nov - Nov

2015 Second Chance Act Orientation for Juvenile Reentry Grantees

During this webinar, FY2015 Second Chance Act grantees that are developing and implementing juvenile reentry initiatives hear from…

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Nov - Nov

2017 JMHCP Category 1 Collaborative County Grantee Orientation

In this webinar, CSG Justice Center staff explain the training and technical assistance opportunities and resources available to…

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Nov - Nov

2017 JMHCP Grantee Orientation Webinar

In this webinar, CSG Justice Center staff explain the training and technical assistance opportunities and resources available to…

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Nov - Nov

Criminal Record Clearance and the Clean Slate Clearinghouse

For individuals with a criminal record, certain restrictions exist that affect their ability to obtain gainful employment, housing,…

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Vermont Department of Corrections’ Four-Step Process for Effective Policy Development

In this webinar, presenters discuss the four steps involved in the Vermont Department of Corrections’ (DOC) policy-development process:…

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Responding to the 2017 SCA Statewide Adult Recidivism Reduction Strategic Planning Program Solicitation

In this webinar, officials from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance and National Reentry Resource…

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Sep - Sep

Second Chance Act Reentry Program for Adult Offenders with Co-Occurring Disorders: Introduction for FY2014 Grantees

This webinar will provide information for the program’s FY2014 grantees including expectations around and available support for grant…

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Sep - Sep

Integrating Best Practices from Corrections and Workforce Systems to Match Jobseekers to Services

This webinar—based on lessons learned from the Integrated Reentry and Employment Strategies (IRES) pilot project underway in Milwaukee…

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Sep - Sep

From the Correctional System to the Workforce: How State Policies Can Support Reentry

In this webinar, presenters discuss opportunities for supporting people with criminal records under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity…

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Sep - Sep

Learning Communities Conversations: Research and Evaluation

This session describes how interface process measures discussed in "Process Measures at the Interface Between the Justice System…

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Aug - Aug

Effectively Implementing Family Engagement and Involvement Practices for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System

This webinar highlights strategies, tools, examples, and best-practice models from across the country that juvenile justice agency managers,…

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Aug - Aug

National Findings on the Mental Illnesses and Substance Use of People Incarcerated in Prisons and Jails

In this webinar, BJS statistician Jennifer Bronson reviews the findings from two reports and discusses how jurisdictions around…

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Aug - Aug

Jobs for the Future Launches Center for Apprenticeship and Work-Based Learning

The center will support the development of successful apprenticeship and work-based learning strategies to help employers, advance the…

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Jun - Jun

Engaging Employers: A Sector-Based Approach to Employment for People with Criminal Records

This webinar is for corrections, workforce development, and education agencies interested in improving the employment outcomes of people…

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Jun - Jun

Responding to the 2017 Second Chance Act Comprehensive Community-Based Adult Reentry Grant Program

In this webinar, officials from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance and the National Reentry…

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Jun - Jun

Innovative Partnerships–Child Support and Reentry

This webinar discusses steps reentry programs can take to partner with local child support agencies. It explores the…

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Jun - Jun

Developing a Community-Wide Approach to Responding to People with Mental Illnesses

The livestream provides an overview of effective ways to develop specialized law enforcement-based programs, and features presentations on…

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Jun - Jun

Learning Communities Conversations: Process Measures at the Interface of the Justice and Behavioral Health Systems

In this discussion CSG Justice Center Staff and Dr. Faye Taxman of George Mason University's Center for Advancing…

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Jun - Jun

Responding to the FY 2015 Second Chance Act Statewide Recidivism Reduction Solicitation

During webinar, officials from the U.S. Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Assistance explained the grant program application…

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May - May

Helping People Achieve Financial Stability after Incarceration

During this webinar, participants learn about how to use the Your Money, Your Goals toolkit and the Focus…

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May - May

Reentry and Employment White Paper, Pilot Site Opportunity

This webinar provides policymakers and practitioners in the criminal justice, corrections, and workforce development fields with an overview…

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Apr - Apr

Reentry Mentoring: Conversations from the Field on Working with System-Involved Youth

Thousands of youth are arrested each year, beginning a gateway for many into the juvenile justice system. Throughout…

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Apr - Apr

Grant Management Orientation for FY 2014 Second Chance Act Grantees Serving Adults

During this orientation webinar for FY 2014 Second Chance Act-funded grantees serving adults, panelists provide information about the…

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Apr - Apr

Second Chance Act – Applying for Juvenile Demonstration Grants

In 2011, the National Reentry Resource Center partnered with OJJDP to host a webinar for applicants interested in…

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Apr - Apr

Second Chance Act – Applying for Adult Demonstration Grants

The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) awards grants for demonstration projects targeting adults, and the Office of Juvenile…

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Apr - Apr

Second Chance Act – Applying for Reentry Court Grants

In 2011, the National Reentry Resource Center partnered with BJA to host a webinar for applicants interested in…

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Apr - Apr

Second Chance Act – Co-occurring Disorder Treatment Grant Program

In 2011, the National Reentry Resource Center partnered with BJA to host a webinar for applicants interested in…

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Apr - Apr

Second Chance Act – Grantee Performance Measurement Resources

This webinar will introduce new Second Chance Act grantees to the resources and technical assistance available to them…

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Apr - Apr

Introduction to the P/I Guide for Second Chance Act Juvenile Reentry Grantees

The webinar is for 2014 Second Chance Act grantees that are developing a comprehensive reentry strategy to reduce…

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Apr - Apr

2015 Second Chance Act Adult Grantee Orientation

This webinar is for all 2015 Second Chance Act grantees that serve adults.

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Apr - Apr

2015 Orientation for Second Chance Act Adult Demonstration Grantees

During this webinar BJA staff provide an overview of the Second Chance Act, requirements of the adult demonstration…

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Apr - Apr

2015 Second Chance Act Orientation for Smart Supervision Grantees

During this webinar, FY2015 Smart Supervision Grantees receive information about the grant program including expectations around and available…

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Apr - Apr

Developing Gender-Responsive Discipline Policies in Women’s Facilities

This webinar addresses gender-responsive approaches to discipline and sanctions in women’s correctional settings, guided by research and innovative…

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Mar - Mar

Responding to the 2017 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program Solicitation

In this webinar, officials from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance and The Council of…

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Mar - Mar

Responding to the 2017 Second Chance Act Smart Reentry Solicitation

This webinar explains the SCA Smart Reentry Solicitation: Focus on Evidence-based Strategies for Successful Reentry from Incarceration to…

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Mar - Mar

Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program and Budget

In this webinar, staff from the U.S. Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Assistance and The Council of…

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Feb - Feb

Building and Implementing Research Partnerships

This webinar reviews effective methods for building and implementing a research partnership, with a particular emphasis on agencies…

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Feb - Feb

New Website Helps Local Leaders Design School Responder Models

A School Responder Model is a behavioral health response to school infractions that provides an alternative to exclusionary…

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Feb - Feb

Webinar Archive: Ensuring Access to Medicaid for Individuals with Mental Illnesses Reentering Their Communities from Prison: A Program Model from Oklahoma

This webinar describes an innovative program to ensure that eligible individuals have access to Medicaid on their release…

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Feb - Feb

Webinar Archive: Evidence-based Practices in Tribal Communities Challenges and Solutions

The incorporation of indigenous knowledge into community-based wellness and mental health programming can lead to significantly more positive…

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Feb - Feb

Assistance for Law Enforcement Agencies Responding to the 2017 JMHCP Solicitation

In this webinar, officials from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance and The Council of…

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Feb - Feb

How Victim Advocacy Improves the Work of Reentry Staff

In this webinar, two victim services reentry professionals from corrections departments discuss victim service programming for agencies and…

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Feb - Feb

Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program Applicants

On January 24, 2013, the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) released Justice and Mental Health…

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Feb - Feb

Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP) 2012 Technical Assistance Orientation Webinar

This webinar will provide an overview of the kinds of technical assistance that will be available to 2012…

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Feb - Feb

Responding to the 2017 Second Chance Act Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Disorders Solicitation

This webinar is to assist organizations with their 2017 applications for the Second Chance Act Reentry Program for…

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Jan - Jan

Safety and Justice Challenge Grantees Announced

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation today announced 20 additional jurisdictions joining the Safety and Justice…

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Jan - Jan

2016 Second Chance Act Orientation for Young Fathers/Young Mothers Grantees

During this webinar, grantees receive information about the grant program, including steps for getting the program started, submission…

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Jan - Jan

Police-Probation Partnerships to Promote Successful Reentry

This webinar provides an overview of collaborative programs in three locations across the country—Salt Lake County, Utah; Overland…

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Jan - Jan

Responding to the 2017 Second Chance Act Smart Supervision Grant Solicitation

In this webinar, officials from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance and the National Reentry…

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Jan - Jan

Webinar: Unraveling Myths Around Federal Reentry Policies that Affect Your Clients

In this webinar, staff from the Federal Interagency Reentry Council agencies discussed the “Reentry MythBusters,” one-page fact sheets…

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Jan - Jan

2016 Second Chance Act Orientation for Smart Supervision Grantees

During the webinar, staff from the US Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Assistance provide an overview of…

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Jan - Jan

2016 Second Chance Act Orientation for Smart Reentry Grantees

During the webinar, BJA staff provide an overview of SCA, requirements of the Smart Reentry grant, and the…

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Jan - Jan

Alabama Lawmakers Dedicate $26.6 million in FY2017 to Implement Justice Reinvestment Policies

The general fund budget was signed into law by Alabama Governor Robert Bentley and will go into effect…

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Dec - Dec

Stepping Up Featured in Report to California Legislature

The Council on Mentally Ill Offenders released its 15th annual report this month, highlighting ways to address the…

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Dec - Dec

2016 Second Chance Act Orientation for Adult Mentoring Grantees

During this webinar, FY2016 Second Chance Act Comprehensive Community-Based Adult Reentry Program Utilizing Mentors grantees receive information about…

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Dec - Dec

Grant Writing 101

This webinar outlines basic steps to take in preparing any kind of funding proposal, and provides guidance to…

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Dec - Dec

2016 Second Chance Act Orientation for Technology Career Program Grantees

During this webinar, FY2016 Second Chance Act Technology-Based Career Training grantees will receive information about the grant program,…

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Nov - Nov

Planning for Sustainability: Supporting Community-Based Reentry Programs

This webinar discusses strategies and recommendations for sustaining reentry programs initiated by community-based organizations. With a particular focus…

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Nov - Nov

Identifying Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Systems through Data Collection

This webinar discusses how data can be used to help identify racial and ethnic disparities in the juvenile…

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Nov - Nov

2016 Second Chance Act Adult Grantee Orientation

This webinar is for all 2016 Second Chance Act grantees that serve adults. During the webinar, National Reentry…

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Nov - Nov

2016 Second Chance Act Orientation for Grantees Serving Adults with Co-Occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Disorders

During the webinar, BJA staff provide an overview of the Second Chance Act, requirements of the co-occurring disorders…

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Nov - Nov

2015 Second Chance Act Orientation for Techology-Based Training Grantees

During this webinar, FY2015 Technology-Based Career Training Grantees received information about the grant program, including steps for getting…

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Nov - Nov

2015 JMHCP Grantee Orientation Webinar

In this webinar, CSG Justice Center staff explain the training and technical assistance opportunities and resources available to…

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Nov - Nov

2016 JMHCP Grantee Orientation Webinar

In this webinar, CSG Justice Center staff explain the training and technical assistance opportunities and resources available to…

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Nov - Nov

Circles of Support and Accountability: An Innovative Approach to the Management of Sex Offenders

In this webinar, presenters provide an overview of the CoSA model and describe what implementation looks like across…

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Nov - Nov

Community Supervision and Substance Use Disorders, Collaborating for Effective Training and Responses

In this webinar, panelists discuss best practices to ensure collaborative responses are maintained based on the drug of…

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Nov - Nov

DOJ Announces FY2015 Second Chance Act Awards to Support Reentry Initiatives for Adults and Youth

The U.S. Department of Justice recently announced that $53 million in grants will be awarded to 45 jurisdictions…

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Understanding the Role of Trauma in Recovery and Recidivism

During this recorded live session, presenters reviewed cutting edge research on trauma and its impacts; explored best practices…

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Sep - Sep

Developing Sustainability, Success Stories from the Field

Grant funding often provides seed money to help agencies launch new programs. However, once the grant has expended,…

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Sep - Sep

Developing Program Phases in a Mental Health Court

As jurisdictions refine their practices within mental health courts they often seek additional information on using a phased…

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Sep - Sep

Police-Mental Health Collaboration Programs: A Different Way of Policing

This webinar provides an overview of PMHC programs—collaborative partnerships among law enforcement agencies, mental health providers, and other…

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Sep - Sep

Supported Education for Young Adults with Serious Mental Health Conditions

This webinar discusses the state of the practice of supported education and related strategies for achieving post-secondary education…

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Aug - Aug

Trauma-Informed Court Approaches for Mental Health Court Curriculum Trainers

This webinar for mental health court curriculum state trainers discusses strategies to utilize trauma-informed court approaches in mental…

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Jul - Jul

Strengthening Collaboration between the Behavioral Health and Juvenile Justice Systems to Improve Reentry Outcomes

This webinar is especially useful for juvenile correctional agencies, behavioral health agencies, clinicians, reentry coordinators, probation and parole…

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Jul - Jul

Keeping Fathers Engaged in Reentry Programs Post-Release

This webinar discusses the challenge of keeping participants engaged in fatherhood reentry programs after they have been released…

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Jul - Jul

Medication Assisted Treatment in Jails and Community-Based Settings

This webinar is designed for Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program and Second Chance Act Reentry Program for…

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Jun - Jun

Addressing the Housing Needs of Youth and Young Adults in Contact with the Justice System

In this webinar, participants learn about current data and trends on youth and young adult homelessness; how homelessness…

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Jun - Jun

Homeless Services 101: What Reentry Service Providers Need to Know

In this webinar, presenters cover basic facts about homelessness, and how homelessness intersects with the criminal justice system;…

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Jun - Jun

Mack Jenkins Joins CSG Justice Center as Senior Policy Advisor for Justice Reinvestment

On May 25, the CSG Justice Center welcomed Mack Jenkins to its Justice Reinvestment team as a senior…

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Jun - Jun

Fatherhood and Reentry: Engaging Families in the Reentry Process

In this webinar, Erik Vecere, vice president of program support for the National Fatherhood Initiative, discusses common implementation…

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May - May

Responding to the FY16 Second Chance Act Smart Reentry Solicitation

In this webinar, officials from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and the National…

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May - May

Mobilizing Federal Resources, Collaborating with Other BJA Grantees

This webinar addresses how Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) programs can collaborate with other Bureau of Justice Assistance-funded…

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May - May

Protecting the Fair Housing Rights of People with Criminal Records

This webinar gives an overview of recent guidance issued by HUD including examples of best practices across the…

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Apr - Apr

Webinar for Law Enforcement Agencies: Applying for the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program

In this webinar, officials from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and The Council…

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Apr - Apr

Reentry Housing Options for Sex Offenders

In this webinar, presenters review the latest findings on the relationship between improved housing stability and reduced recidivism…

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Apr - Apr

Responding to the FY16 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program Solicitation

In this webinar, officials from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance and The Council of…

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Mar - Mar

Sharing Information between Behavioral Health and Criminal Justice Systems

This webinar was presented to Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program and Second Chance Act Co-Occurring Substance Use…

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Mar - Mar

Beyond Adverse Childhood Experiences

The archived webinar covers the use of well-being questions in domains of connection, coping, and stress and focuses…

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Mar - Mar

Using School Discipline, Climate, and Safety Data to Drive Decision Making

In this webinar, hosted by American Institutes for Research, panelists from the CSG Justice Center and state and…

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Mar - Mar

Responding to the 2016 Second Chance Act Smart Supervision Solicitation

In this webinar representatives from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance explain the grant program…

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Mar - Mar

Responding to the FY16 Second Chance Act Adult Reentry Mentoring Grant Solicitation

In this webinar, officials from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance and the National Reentry…

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Mar - Mar

Responding to the 2016 Second Chance Act Technology-Based Career Training Grant Solicitation

In this webinar, officials from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance and the National Reentry…

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Mar - Mar

The Effects of Changing State Theft Penalties

The Pew Charitable Trusts examined crime trends in the 23 states that raised their felony theft thresholds between…

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Mar - Mar

Responding to the 2016 Second Chance Act Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Disorders Solicitation

During this webinar, officials from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance explain the grant program…

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Mar - Mar

Medicaid Administrative Claiming and Targeted Case Management

This webinar defines the roles that criminal justice professionals play in Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) and Targeted Case…

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Mar - Mar

Screening and Assessment of Co-Occurring Disorders in the Criminal Justice System

This webinar discusses the best practices for screening and assessment of co-occurring substance use and mental disorders in…

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Feb - Feb

Introduction to the Planning and Implementation Guide for Recipients of the Second Chance Act Two-Phase Juvenile Reentry Demonstration Program Grant

The webinar is for 2014 Second Chance Act grantees that are developing a juvenile reentry strategy to reduce…

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Feb - Feb

Responding to the Second Chance Act Smart Probation Solicitation

On April 26, 2012, the Bureau of Justice Assistance for applicants responding to the “Smart Probation: Reducing Prison…

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Feb - Feb

Improving Outcomes for Young Adults in the Justice System

This webinar focuses on how juvenile and criminal justice policymakers and agency leaders can work to reduce recidivism…

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Feb - Feb

2015 Second Chance Act Orientation for Young Father Mentoring Grantees

During this webinar, FY2015 Strengthening Relationships Between Young Fathers and their Children grantees receive information about the grant…

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Feb - Feb

Second Chance Act Comprehensive Statewide Recidivism Reduction Program: Introduction for Implementation Grantees

During this webinar, FY2014 Statewide Recidivism Reduction (SRR) Implementation Grantees were provided information about the implementation phase of…

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Feb - Feb

Surviving the Trenches: The Impact of Trauma Exposure on Corrections Professionals

This webinar examines secondary trauma and compassion fatigue as experienced by corrections professionals. It brings together the latest…

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Jan - Jan

Improving Access to Treatment, Bringing NIATx to Corrections

This webinar discusses how individuals access treatment as they reenter their communities from prisons and jails, as well…

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Jan - Jan

Using New Checklists to Assess Juvenile Justice Systems

This webinar highlights three checklists focused on reducing juvenile recidivism, which are now available on the CSG Justice…

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Dec - Dec

Improving Educational and Vocational Outcomes for Incarcerated Youth

This webinar shares highlights from a first-of-its kind report, Locked Out: Improving Educational and Vocational Outcomes for Incarcerated…

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Nov - Nov

2015 Second Chance Act Orientation for Adult Co-Occurring Grantees

This webinar is for the FY2015 Second Chance Act grantees focused on adult offenders with co-occurring substance use…

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Nov - Nov

2015 Second Chance Act Orientation for Statewide Recidivism Reduction Planning Grantee

During this webinar, FY2015 Statewide Recidivism Reduction (SRR) Planning Grantees receive information about the planning phase of SRR,…

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Nov - Nov

2015 Second Chance Act Orientation for Adult Reentry Program Mentoring Grantees

During this webinar, FY2015 Comprehensive Adult Mentoring Grantees are provided with information about the grant program, including steps…

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Nov - Nov

Engaging Families in Reentry and Demonstrating Improved Outcomes for Family Members of Returning Fathers

This webinar discusses these challenges and reviews innovative strategies and approaches to measuring the outcomes of family-focused programming…

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Individuals with Criminal Records Could Receive ‘Fair Chance’ at Employment with New Legislation

A group of bipartisan lawmakers introduced on Thursday, Sept. 10, legislation that would allow people who were formerly…

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Aug - Aug

Social Media in Community Supervision: Promising Practices for Policy and Implementation

This webinar shares emerging research regarding the importance of establishing policies around the use of social media by…

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Aug - Aug

Improving the Oversight and Monitoring of Psychotropic Medication Use among Children in Medicaid

This archived webinar from the TA Network and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration discusses the…

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Aug - Aug

Call for Article Submissions to the Juvenile and Family Court Journal

The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges is now accepting submissions to its scholarly, peer-reviewed journal,…

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Jun - Jun

Responding to the Second Chance Act Adult Reentry Program Utilizing Mentors

In this webinar, officials from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance explain the grant program…

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May - May

Health Coverage and County Jails: Suspension vs. Termination

This brief from the National Association of Counties provides an overview of the potential impact of the Affordable…

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Apr - Apr

Responding to the Second Chance Act Technology-Based Career Training Program

In this webinar, officials from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance explain the grant program…

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Apr - Apr

Money Matters and Reentry: An Overview of a Financial Literacy Toolkit for Practitioners

During this webinar, experts provide an overview of an easy-to-use toolkit designed to help organizations improve the financial…

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Mar - Mar

Risk Need Responsivity 101: A Primer for SCA and JMHCP Grant Recipients

This webinar provides foundational knowledge on RNR as well as guidance on understanding and implementing risk assessment tools…

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Mar - Mar

Podcast: Improving Offender Employment Through Employer-Focused Programming

This podcast episode from DC Public Safety Radio examines the Employer-Driven Employment Model, a new framework developed by…

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Mar - Mar

Keys for Building Successful Adult Mentoring Relationships

This webinar shares approaches for building positive relationships between mentors and participants, including the importance of communication skills,…

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Mar - Mar

Responding to the 2015 JMHCP Grant Program

In this webinar BJA representatives provide an overview of the JMHCP solicitation, discuss eligibility and application materials, and…

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Mar - Mar

Working with Youth in the Juvenile Justice System

This webinar discusses the unique characteristics of youth with disabilities who are involved with the justice system and…

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Mar - Mar

Responding to the 2015 JMHCP Grant Program (Law Enforcement Priority)

In this webinar BJA representatives provide an overview of the JMHCP solicitation, explain the law enforcement priority consideration,…

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Mar - Mar

Webinar for Applicants Responding to the Second Chance Act Co-Occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders Grant Program

The National Reentry Resource Center hosted this webinar to assist organizations with their 2014 applications for the Adult…

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Feb - Feb

What Works to Promote Reentry Success: Spotlight on Youth Convicted of Sex Offenses

In this webinar panelists share with participants the most recent research on how to reduce recidivism and improve…

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Feb - Feb

Trauma-Informed Approaches for Caring for Every Child’s Mental Health

Hosted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration This interactive webisode explores ways that youth can…

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Feb - Feb

Pay for Success: New Capital for Evidence-Based Programming

As publicly funded programs and services across the country encounter budgetary constraints, many are looking toward social impact…

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Feb - Feb

Ask the Experts—Assessment, Treatment, and Supervision Strategies for Professionals Working with Individuals with Sex Offense Convictions

In this webinar the panelists summarize empirical research on assessment, treatment, and supervision of individuals convicted of sex…

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Jan - Jan

Webinar: “Expungement: Policy and Practice in the South”

This webinar provides an overview of policy trends regarding the expungement/sealing of criminal record information in the South,…

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Dec - Dec

Orientation for FY2014 Second Chance Act Grantees: Adult Reentry Program Utilizing Mentors

Technical assistance providers from the National Reentry Resource Center and representatives from the U.S. Department of Justice's Bureau…

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Dec - Dec

Archived Webinar: Justice-Involved Women: Understanding Trauma and Violence

This webinar provides an overview of violence among females involved with the criminal justice system, trauma-informed and gender…

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Dec - Dec

Archived Webinar: Strengthening the Court Systems: Understanding State and Federal Resources

Hosted by the National Criminal Justice Association  With tight state budgets, court systems are increasingly looking outside of…

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Dec - Dec

Second Chance Act Smart Supervision Program Introduction for FY2014 Grantees

During this webinar, FY 2014 Smart Supervision Grantees are provided information about the grant program, including expectations around…

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Dec - Dec

Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program Grantee Orientation

During this webinar CSG Justice Center staff explain the training and technical assistance opportunities and resources available to…

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Nov - Nov

Overview of the FY2014 Second Chance Act Grant Program for Juvenile Reentry Grant Recipients

This orientation webinar, held on November 7, 2014, is for FY 2014 Second Chance Act (SCA) grantees developing…

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Nov - Nov

Collateral Consequences Resource Center Launched

The Collateral Consequences Resource Center launched in the fall of 2014 provides news and commentary about developments in…

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Nov - Nov

Improving Outcomes for Court-Involved Youth with Co-Occurring Disorders

This webinar provides an overview of three briefs that were recently published by National Center for Mental Health…

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Problem-Solving Clinic on Women’s Risk Needs Assessment

This webinar discussed the Women’s Risk Needs Assessment (WRNA), and provided participants the opportunity to discuss the benefits…

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What Works to Promote Educational Success for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System

Presenters in this webinar discuss key strategies for providing high-quality education for youth in confinement, and strategies for…

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Sep - Sep

Isolation Practices with Vulnerable Populations: Impact and Alternatives

This webinar looks at the impact of isolation practices on youth and their families, and identifies appropriate alternatives…

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Sep - Sep

Measuring and Using Juvenile Recidivism Data to Inform Policy, Practice, and Resource Allocation

This webinar summarizes the issue brief Measuring and using Juvenile Recidivism Data to Inform Policy, Practice, and Resource…

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Sep - Sep

Core Principles for Reducing Recidivism and Improving Other Outcomes for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System

This webinar highlights key recommendations from the white paper, "Core Principles for Reducing Recidivism and Improving Other Outcomes…

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Aug - Aug

Pay for Success Models: Financing Solutions for Counties

This webinar explains how the Pay for Success model can be used to pay for programs that transform…

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Jul - Jul

A Trauma-Informed Effective Reinforcement System for Girls

This webinar reviews the framework of the Trauma-Informed Effective Reinforcement System (TIER) for Girls, a female responsive, research-based…

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Jul - Jul

The Past, Present, and Future of Federal Government’s Commitment to Addressing the Impact of Trauma on Women

This webinar discusses the impact of trauma, mental health challenges, and substance use on women and girls and…

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Jun - Jun

Maximizing Medicaid: An Innovative Approach to Finance Health Care for Criminal Justice Populations

This webinar explains and clarifies the issues related to allowable uses of federal Medicaid funds for incarcerated individuals,…

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Jun - Jun

Employment Strategies for Populations Experiencing Homelessness: Veterans and Individuals with Mental Health Conditions

Hosted by the National Transitional Jobs Network (NTJN), this webinar addresses barriers to employment for veterans and people…

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Jun - Jun

Ready, Willing, and Able to Work: Employment for People in Recovery

Produced by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), this webcast examines the challenges that people…

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Jun - Jun

Putting Our Communities Back to Work: Creating Access to Opportunity through “Targeted Hire” and “Ban the Box” Policies

Panelists from the National Employment Law Project, the Partnership for Working Families, and the East Bay…

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May - May

Health Reform and Criminal Justice: Advancing New Opportunities

This video is a webcast of the April 2014 conference, “Health Reform and Criminal Justice: Advancing New Opportunities,”…

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May - May

Growing Up Girl: Adolescent Development and Unique Issues Facing Girls

Hosted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration         This webinar provides an overview…

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May - May

Responding to the Second Chance Act Two-phase Juvenile Reentry Demonstration Program Solicitation

During this webinar, officials from the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention explain…

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Apr - Apr

Responding to the SCA Adult Reentry Program Utilizing Mentors

With funding support from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance, the National Reentry Resource Center…

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Apr - Apr

Responding to the Second Chance Act Juvenile Reentry Systems Reform Planning Solicitation

In this webinar, officials from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention explain…

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Apr - Apr

Responding to the Second Chance Act Two-Phase Adult Reentry Solicitation

In this webinar, officials from the U.S. Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Assistance explain the grant program…

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Apr - Apr

Informed Journalism: Reporting on Teens and Mental Health

In this December 2013 webinar, Benjamin Chambers of the National Juvenile Justice Network discusses the prevalence of mental…

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Apr - Apr

An Overview of Sex Offender Reentry: Building a Foundation for Professionals

This webinar is especially beneficial to probation and parole staff, corrections administrators, reentry professionals and advocates, and service…

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Apr - Apr

Successful Collaborations between Nongovernment Organizations and Corrections Agencies in Addressing Reentry

This webinar discusses areas of the reentry field that involve partnerships between NGOs and corrections agencies, specific examples…

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Apr - Apr

Youthful Offenders – DC Public Safety Television

This video, aired on DC Public Safety Television and produced by…

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Apr - Apr

Taking Family Driven to Scale: Knowing the Context

Hosted by the National Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health This webinar provides an overview of family-driven…

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Apr - Apr

Beyond Programs and Policies: A Systems Approach to Reduce Recidivism and Restore Lives

This webinar discusses how staff from multiple agencies can work together toward the shared outcomes of reducing recidivism…

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Apr - Apr

The Second Chance Act Statewide Recidivism Reduction Grant Program: An Orientation for Criminal Justice Policy Advisors to State Governors

This webinar provides an overview of the Second Chance Act Statewide Recidivism Reduction (SRR) Grant Program. It is…

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Mar - Mar

Voices from the Field: Lessons Learned from Law Enforcement Mental Health Partnerships

In this webinar presenters discuss the unique challenges that law enforcement and mental health service providers face on…

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Mar - Mar

SSI/SSDI and Medicaid: Powerful Tools for Reentry Success

This CSG Justice Center hosted webinar provided an overview of eligibility criteria and the enrollment process for SSI/SSDI…

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Mar - Mar

Responding to the Second Chance Act Smart Supervision Sollicitation

The National Reentry Resource Center hosted this webinar for organizations responding to the Smart Supervision solicitation.

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Feb - Feb

22-23 Your Source for Criminal Justice Research Evidence

This webinar provides an overview of Maintained by the National Institute of Justice, the searchable website features…

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Feb - Feb

Traumatic Brain Injury in the Criminal Justice Population

This webinar discusses the prevalence of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and its implications for the criminal justice system.

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Feb - Feb

Webinar: Recidivism Reduction, Substance Use and Co-Occurring Disorders: What Does the Evidence and Practice Tell Us?

Treating substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders and matching treatment to the target population is essential for…

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Feb - Feb

Webinar: A New Collaborative Framework for Reducing Recidivism and Promoting Behavioral Health

This webinar, held October 2, 2012 provided an overview of the report, “Adults with Behavioral Health Needs under…

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Feb - Feb

Webinar on Using Screening and Assessment to Improve Treatment for Justice-Involved Individuals

On June 2, 2011, the National Reentry Resource Center (NRRC) hosted a free webinar on incorporating screening and…

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Feb - Feb

6-23 Your Source for Criminal Justice Research Evidence

Hosted by the Justice Research and Statistics Association, this archived webinar offers a general overview of, a…

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Jan - Jan

Using a Systems Approach to Increase Client Engagement and Retention in the Community

Presented in collaboration with the Center for Health and Justice (CHJ) at Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities (TASC)…

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Jan - Jan

Seminar on Assisted Outpatient Treatment

In this December 2013 seminar hosted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, presenters examined research…

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Jan - Jan

Introduction to 2013 Planning & Implementation Guide for Second Chance Act Juvenile Grantees

In this December 19, 2013 webinar staff from the CSG Justice Center's National Reentry Resource Center provided an…

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Dec - Dec

Incarceration, Poverty, and the Family

This webinar from the Institute of Research on Poverty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison examines research on incarceration,…

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Dec - Dec

2013 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program Grantee Orientation

In this webinar held December 5, 2013, CSG Justice Center staff provided an overview of the technical assistance…

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Dec - Dec

Orientation and Grant Management Webinar for 2013 Second Chance Act Grantees

This webinar, hosted by the CSG Justice Center on December 18, 2013, is specifically for 2013 Second Chance…

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Dec - Dec

Webinar Archive: Sharing Information to Improve Outcomes and Protect Privacy in the Juvenile Justice System

On December 16th, Lourdes Rosado provided strategies to improve outcomes for youth and reduce their deeper involvement into…

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Dec - Dec

Recruitment, Re-engagement & Reentry: Incorporating the Youth Voice into Juvenile Justice Reform

The Coalition for Juvenile Justice held a webinar, “Recruitment, Re-Engagement and Reentry: Incorporating the Youth Voice into Juvenile…

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Dec - Dec

Webinar: Overcoming Community Resistance to Reentry Housing

This National Reentry Resource Center webinar, held January 17, 2012 explored the findings from…

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Dec - Dec

Webinar Archive: Individuals with Mental Illnesses in the Criminal Justice System: Addressing Both Criminogenic Risks and Mental Health Needs

In a webinar on November 18th, Dr. Jennifer Skeem provided an overview of how criminogenic risk factors contribute…

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Dec - Dec

Webinar Archive: Improving the Mental Health Court Response to Crime Victims

This webinar explored why the rights due to victims in traditional criminal court proceedings are not always made…

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Dec - Dec

Topics in CJ/MH: Mental Illness and Violence

Tragic incidents involving people with mental illnesses who are violent, although rare, tend to draw intense media and…

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Dec - Dec

Webinar Archive: Child Trauma and Juvenile Justice: Prevalence, Impact and Treatment

This webinar reviewed the prevalence, impact, and treatment of trauma for youth involved in the juvenile justice system.

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Dec - Dec

Webinar Archive: Implementing Juvenile Diversion Programs: Guideline and Innovative Approaches

This webinar explored successful practices for directing youth with mental health disorders, including those with co-occurring substance…

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Dec - Dec

Webinar Archive: Question and Answer Session: A Collaborative Framework for Reducing Recidivism and Promoting Behavioral Health

In October 2012 the CSG Justice Center hosted a webinar that provided an overview of the…

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Dec - Dec

From Arrest to Homecoming—Addressing the Needs of Children of Incarcerated Parents

> On September 1, 2010, National Reentry Resource Center, with the support of the Bureau of Justice Assistance,…

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Nov - Nov

The What Works in Reentry Clearinghouse: Expanded Sections, Key Findings, and Using the Site

This webinar assists users in navigating the complexity of reentry research available on the What Works in Reentry…

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Nov - Nov

Introductory Webinar for FY 2013 Statewide Adult Recidivism Reduction Grantees

During this webinar, FY 2013 SRR Planning Grantees were provided information on how to successfully complete the planning…

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Nov - Nov

A New Collaborative Framework for Reducing Recidivism and Promoting Behavorial Health, Question and Answer Session

Hosted by the Council of State Governments Justice Center On October 2, 2012, the CSG Justice Center hosted…

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Nov - Nov

Creating a Strong Foundation for Effective Connections to Community Substance Abuse Treatment

This webinar was the first in a webinar series titled Best Practices for Engaging and Retaining Formerly Incarcerated…

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Nov - Nov

Webinar Archive: Innovative Law Enforcement Strategies for Interacting with People that Frequently Require Emergency and Crisis Services

In this webinar, held July 26, 2012, representatives from the Houston Police Department and the Los Angeles Police…

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Nov - Nov

Webinar Archive: Law Enforcement and Mental Health, a Community-wide Collaborative Strategy

This webinar featured innovative collaborations between law enforcement and mental health agencies working to improve the response…

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Nov - Nov

Responding to the Second Chance Act Adult Grant Program

On January 22, 2013, the U.S. Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Assistance released the fiscal year 2013…

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Nov - Nov

NRRC Webinar Innovations in Substance Abuse Treatment

Presenters review how adopting a “continuing care model” to treat substance use disorders can improve outcomes for individuals…

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Nov - Nov

Engaging and Involving Families of Justice-Involved Youth

This webinar, presented by the CSG Justice Center, features practical approaches to increasing and improving family engagement and…

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Nov - Nov

How Organizations Implement and Sustain Evidence-Based Practices: Strategies, Tips, and Tools

This webinar provides an overview of “learning organizations” and presents examples of organizations within the criminal justice community…

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Nov - Nov

Behavioral Health Treatment for Juveniles: Transitioning Youth from Out-of-Home Placement to the Community

This webinar focused on the transition of juveniles from placement to community and on how community supervision and…

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Nov - Nov

The Affordable Care Act: Implications for the Criminal Justice System

People involved with the criminal justice system experience high rates of communicable and chronic disease, as well as…

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Nov - Nov

Reentry Planning to Support Post-Release Engagement and Retention in Community Treatment

Presented in collaboration with Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities and the Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network, this webinar…

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Nov - Nov

Webinar: Implementing Evidence-Based Practices in Community Corrections

Community corrections researchers and practitioners face many barriers when trying to implement evidence-based programs and practices in the…

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Nov - Nov

Funding and Sustaining Mentoring Programs

This webinar was offered to Second Chance Act mentoring grantees interested in learning strategies to fund and sustain…

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Nov - Nov

Neighborhood-Based Supervision: A Review of Promising Practices

The practice of neighborhood-based supervision allows parole officers to interact closely with parolees within their social environment, as…

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Webinar: Smart Probation: Reducing Prison Populations, Saving Money, and Creating Safer Communities, Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice

On April 26, 2012, the Bureau of Justice Assistance for applicants responding to the “Smart Probation: Reducing Prison…

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Webinar: Implementing Effective Institutional-based Cognitive Behavioral Interventions

This National Reentry Resource Center webinar, held on February 29, 2012, helped policymakers and practitioners better understand how…

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Webinar: The What Works in Reentry Clearinghouse: A New Tool for Understanding Reentry Research, National Reentry Resource Center

This webinar, held on July 24, 2012, provides a guided tour of the What Works in Reentry…

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Webinar: Considerations for Developing an Optimal Individual Reentry Plan: Balancing Offender Needs, Community Factors and Practical Realities, National Reentry Resource Center

This webinar, held on July 11, 2012, focussed on developing optimal individual reentry plans. Kathleen Gnall, criminal justice…

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Webinar: Opportunity to Improve Access to Treatment for Corrections Populations: Apply to be a Pilot Site for a New Department of Justice Initiative

On January 18, 2012, the Council of State Governments Justice Center held a webinar for potential applicants to…

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Webinar: Evidence-Based Practices of Community Supervision: Part II, What Works in Parole Supervision

The second part of this two-part webinar series, held December 13, 2011, highlighted what works in the parole…

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Webinar: How and Why Probation Departments Should Partner with Families

In this webinar, held on November 22, 2011, San Francisco Probation Chief Wendy Still and New York City…

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Webinar: Evidence-Based Practices of Community Supervision: Part I, A Focus on Current Issues and Trends

The webinar, held on November 10, 2011 draws in part from the lessons of the recent Council of…

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Recidivism Reduction Checklists: A Resource for State Corrections Agencies

Three checklists will be introduced during the webinar, each tailored to distinct audiences: Executive and Legislative Policymakers State…

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Work Release Centers, Day Reporting Centers, and Halfway Houses: What Impact do They Have on Public Safety

This webinar will provide a general overview of work release centers, day reporting centers, and halfway houses. The…

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Jul - Jul

Adults with Behavioral Health Needs under Correctional Supervision

This webinar, held October 2, 2012 provided an overview of the report, “Adults with Behavioral Health Needs under…

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Jul - Jul

Webinar: Best Practices in Behavioral Health Treatment for Juveniles Returning from Out-of-Home Placement, National Reentry Resource Center

This webinar, held on May 7, 2012, focussed on both identifying behavioral needs and delivering treatment based on…

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May - May

Webinar Archive: Women Engaged in the Criminal Justice System

This webinar, held July 12, 2012, discussed the current research and best practices related to the successful management…

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May - May

Use of Incentives and Sanctions to Promote Compliance with Supervision Conditions during Reentry: An Implementation Strategy

This webinar focussed on the use of incentives and sanctions with individuals under community supervision, particularly those returning…

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Apr - Apr

The Reentry Framework

This webinar features a close look at Reentry technology, namely the Reentry Framework of The presenter is…

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Apr - Apr

Webinar: Innovations in Substance Abuse Treatment

On October 25, 2011 the National Reentry Resource Center sponsored this webinar in which presenters reviewed how adopting…

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Apr - Apr

Responding to Substance Use and Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders SCA Solicitations

This National Reentry Resource Center was held on  May 19, 2011 for applicants responding to the 2011 Second…

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Apr - Apr

Webinar Archive: Mental Health Screening and Assessment in Juvenile Justice: How to Do It

Presented by Dr. Thomas Grisso, this webinar described the purpose, process, and implementation of mental health screening for…

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Apr - Apr

Webinar Archive: Maximizing the Impact of Juvenile Justice Interventions – The Importance of Risk/Needs Assessment

This webinar reviewed key concepts of risk assessment and its implementation in juvenile justice agencies. Topics covered included…

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Apr - Apr

Juvenile Reentry in Concept and Practice

This webinar, held on January 26th, 2010, featured David M. Altschuler, Ph.D., principal research scientist at the Institute…

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Apr - Apr

Family Engagement in Reentry for Justice-Involved Youth

On October 4, 2010, the National Reentry Resource Center and the Center for the Advancement of Mentoring hosted…

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Apr - Apr

Identifying and Engaging Reentry Mentors for Justice-Involved Youth

On November, 1, 2010, the National Reentry Resource Center and The Center for Advancement of Mentoring hosted a…

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Apr - Apr

Reentry Housing Strategies

This webinar was recorded on November 9, 2010. This free webinar described promising and replicable practices and program…

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Apr - Apr

Local Government Roles in Reentry

On August 26, 2010 the National Reentry Resource Center, with the support of the Bureau of Justice Assistance,…

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Apr - Apr

The Essential Elements of Reentry: Primary Care and the Transitions Clinic Approach

On August 26, 2010 the National Reentry Resource Center, with the support of the Bureau of Justice Assistance,…

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Apr - Apr

Victims and Reentry

This webinar, recorded on December 2, 2010, discussed promising and replicable practices and program models for involving crime…

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Mar - Mar

Webinar Archive: Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program 2011 Technical Assistance Orientation

Staff from the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the Justice Center provided an overview of the kinds of…

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Feb - Feb

Webinar Archive: Trauma Services in Criminal Justice Settings: What, Why & How

Recognition of the significance and prevalence of trauma issues for individuals in the criminal justice system is growing…

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Dec - Dec

2012 Orientation/Grant Management Webinar for Second Chance Act Grantees

The 2012 orientation and grant management webinar for Bureau of Justice Assistance Second Chance Act grantees was held…

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Dec - Dec

Webinar: APPA Care Model – Responding to Gang Violence in Reentry Planning, Part II

The National Reentry Resource Center sponsored this webinar on gang violence and reentry on October 4, 2011. Gang…

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Webinar: Providing Effective Family-based Treatment Services for Justice-Involved Individuals

Research indicates the importance of including family members, including children, in the treatment process of a loved one…

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Sep - Sep

Webinar: Introduction to Planning and Implementation Guide for 2011: Second Chance Act Adult Planning Demonstration Grantees

During this webinar held on January 11, 2012, (the same webinar was also presented on January 9, 2012)…

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Sep - Sep

Webinar: Building and Maintaining a Successful Non-Profit Board of Directors

Managing a non-profit organization’s board of directors can be a significant part of an executive director’s responsibilities. However,…

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Sep - Sep

A Look at Faith-based Approaches to Offender Reentry, The Bureau of Justice Assistance’s National Training and Technical Assistance Center

This webinar held on January 30, 2012, increased participant knowledge of faith-based approaches to reentry with an emphasis…

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Sep - Sep

Webinar: Technology Careers and Offenders: Taking the Training Home, National Reentry Resource Center

This webinar, held June 13, 2012, was specifically for Second Chance Act technology career grantees. The webinar focussed…

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Sep - Sep

Webinar: Learning from People Who Succeed Upon Release: What Strategies, Approaches, and Tools Can Make a Difference, National Reentry Resource Center

This webinar, held on August 14, 2012, discussed the experiences of successful and unsuccessful releases. Kathleen Gnall, an…

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Aug - Aug

Addressing Co-occurring Disorders in Adult Court-Based Programs

This webinar provides an overview of how court-based programs (e.g., problem-solving courts) can effectively address the needs of…

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Jul - Jul

Fostering Criminal Justice/Mental Health Collaboration: Building Lasting Partnerships

In this webinar, government and court officials from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania highlighted innovative efforts to bring together…

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Feb - Feb

Effective Case Planning Strategies

This webinar will demonstrate how case plans can be used as a tool to structure interactions between officers…

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Mar - Mar

Webinar Archive: Responding to a High-Profile Tragic Incident Involving a Person with a Serious Mental Illness

Presenters discussed the origins and applications of the toolkit Responding to a High-Profile Tragic Incident Involving a Person…

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Jan - Jan

Webinar Archive: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Criminal Justice/Mental Health Programs

Speakers presented cognitive behavioral interventions from the worlds of criminal justice and mental health that were created to…

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Dec - Dec

Webinar Archive: FY2011 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program Applicant Webinar

Staff from the Bureau of Justice Assistance provided an overview of the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program…

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Nov - Nov

Webinar Archive: Measuring Program Performance in Mental Health Courts

The National Center for State Courts (NCSC) has developed and piloted a set of Performance Measurements for Mental…

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Nov - Nov

Webinar Archive: Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program 2010 Technical Assistance Orientation

Staff from the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the Justice Center provided an overview of the kinds of…

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Jun - Jun

Working with Data for Mental Health Court Practitioners, Part Two: Data Analysis and Communication

The second part of Working with Data for Mental Health Court Practitioners presented perspectives on data analysis, including…

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May - May

Working with Data for Mental Health Court Practitioners, Part One: Data collection and manipulation

This webinar provided practitioners with an orientation to data collection in mental health courts and offered concrete skills…

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Mar - Mar

Webinar Archive: Fiscal Year 2010 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program Applicant Webinar

This webinar provided an overview of the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program and Read More


Mar - Mar

Webinar Archive: HIPAA — Myths, Facts, and Cross-systems Collaboration

Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program Webinar Series: HIPAA: Myths, Facts, and Cross-systems Collaboration by John Petrila (March…

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Mar - Mar

Webinar Archive: Second Fiscal Year 2009 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program Applicant Webinar

The webinar provided an overview of the JMHCP grants and practical information about the current FY2009 solicitation for…

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Feb - Feb

Webinar Archive: Fiscal Year 2009 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program Applicant Webinar

The webinar provided an overview of the JMHCP grants and practical information about the current FY2009 solicitation for…

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